LWSO 337 Winter 2019

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Here are some ideas, and the whys: * **DATA 201** and **DATA 211** — they'll almost certainly be relevant regardless of what you want to do in the future, and the data science minor marries really well with the econ major, especially if you do honours \[[https://www.ucalgary.ca/pubs/calendar/current/sc-4-6-1-1.html](https://www.ucalgary.ca/pubs/calendar/current/sc-4-6-1-1.html)\] * **ANTH 203** and **GEOG 254** — you might want to think about doing international relations as a dual major (it marries really nicely with the economics major, especially the international political economy cluster and a few of the regional clusters, especially if you're pursuing the Concentration in Applied Energy Economics); regardless, cultural anthro and human geography are really excellent lenses to have as an econ major, and a social scientist more generally \[[https://www.ucalgary.ca/pubs/calendar/current/arts-4-46-4.html](https://www.ucalgary.ca/pubs/calendar/current/arts-4-46-4.html)\] * **ENTI 201** — if you're thinking about doing a minor in management and society, this is basically the gateway course to all those other courses (many of which can be taken during block weeks) \[[https://www.ucalgary.ca/pubs/calendar/current/ha-4-4.html](https://www.ucalgary.ca/pubs/calendar/current/ha-4-4.html)\] * **ENGL 2XX** — if you're thinking about doing a combined degree with business, you'll want to take all the first-year courses required for econ (ECON 201 and 203, MATH 249/265, STAT 213 and 217), plus a 200-level ENGL course in order to [apply to business](https://www.ucalgary.ca/pubs/calendar/current/ha-4-1-2.html). Regardless, it doesn't hurt to know how to write—especially when you hit your 400-level ECON courses and need to write a paper. * **MATH 211**, **MATH 271**, and **MATH 267** — it totally depends on who you are and where you want to end up, but if you're thinking you might want to do honours and go on to do grad school in econ, these courses are a really good call. Heads up, MATH 211 is brutal. It's like math you've probably never seen before. Make friends to study and cry with, and don't take it personally if it's painful and you don't do as well as you'd like. That's really, really common. Just grind through it to move on. Plus, it counts towards the data science minor, so you can double count it and make yourself feel better about having done it. * **LWSO 201** and **some other LWSO, etc. courses** — you might want to think about exploring law and society, partially because it'll be interesting/useful as you pursue your econ degree, but also because the minor marries really well with the econ major (and is super interdisciplinary) — **LSWO 337** sounds particularly cool, and the prof has an awesome [Spotify playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2g8ZYVTa5W76GVQ2C5xKn5) every term \[[https://www.ucalgary.ca/pubs/calendar/current/arts-4-52-7.html](https://www.ucalgary.ca/pubs/calendar/current/arts-4-52-7.html)\] * **SUST 201** — if you're interested in sustainability, there's actually a [certificate program](https://www.ucalgary.ca/sustainability/education/undergraduate/certificate-sustainability-studies) that you can pursue — this is one of the courses, so it would serve as a great data point to see if you're actually interested in that, and again, it marries really well with the econ degree. Essentially, as an econ major, you'll come to appreciate the value and utility of your resources. Your courses will serve as inputs to help determine what you come out with (on your parchment, your transcript, your resume, and in your personal, professional, and academic networks). You can graduate with just the econ major (or honours program), but you can also do a dual major, a combined degree, embedded certificates, or a minor or two. Or you can just explore stuff you're interested in. There's a really cool [minor in sonic arts](https://www.ucalgary.ca/pubs/calendar/current/arts-4-13-16.html) (like doing soundscapes for video games), there's a minor in architecture, there's a minor in urban studies — honestly, [there are 65 minors](https://www.ucalgary.ca/pubs/calendar/current/minor-progs.html), and even if you don't actively pursue or finish one, it's a great place to start to explore your options. Good to know what's out there so you can start exploring. Good luck, and happy util maximization!





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11/27/19 2:12


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