Nuclear Winter Wonderland

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February 11, 2024

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All your favorite Fallout artists with a Christmas flair. Buy it on holotape.


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0 days, 5 hours, 18 minutes

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December 26, 2023


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I'm thankful for you dorks who accept my ramblings and even sometimes make conversation. I was having a dour moment thinking about my comic art thing Shade of Sol and having a passion for something literally only you care about. Not even a hipster thing, other than maybe my brother and one friend I get no feedback or anything about it. I don't mean to make light or compare it to mental illness, but it's frustrating in a way that there's so much stuff I want to gush about Max and Monika and everything going on but it's mostly stuck in my head or in a text document waiting to be properly drawn out. So thanks for putting up with the times that I blab about that and also model kits. I was going to go outside and venture out for work's sake, and to get some primer paint for the Jinrai, but my car battery was extra super dead. Which maybe happens when you haven't driven it in over a week. I was getting Taco Bell every other week or so because I have a problem, but with my mom's cough (not COVID, f'reals) I didn't even want to chance that. Those guys must think I'm dead. On the other end of food cuisine, my family has a weird Thanksgiving tradition. Our old oven we had for like 20 years could barely fit a turkey in, and barring that my mom just didn't like doing that grand setup. After my brother got married, it would be every other year they'd visit the in-laws side of the family, and one year instead of going through the motions for just the three of us we ordered some really nice steaks from a local restaraunt. This time with no one going anywhere for the holidays we still maintained this but had the kids as well. Win-win? I'd take a nice steak over the turkey any day. As long as some form of stuffing shows up. But now that thanksgiving is over... The Christmas begins! Okay, that's a lie, I totally put up my lights and even a little tree last Saturday. I used to be a real scrooge about Christmas, but it just clicked in my head and I really dig it. It's mostly the lights and music. Heck, I have three separate Christmas playlists because something is wrong with me. But it's like a dinner plate, you can't have the sides touching! There's one for [old, classic stuff just like Fallout](, [one specifically for reggae because it is a surprisingly wide net]( and finally one [dedicated to the punk/alternative sound]( inspired by my college station's annual event called 89.9 Hours of Christmas. But I'd definitely take any suggestions, or your own X-mas hits! As long as they aren't Christmas Shoes. I even actually like some of Newsong's stuff I grew up with but that song is awful. Before I get to the Huckebein, hoo boy I'm learning a lot about the BT Black Knight models. I wasn't sure if it was just a really old kit that didn't reflect the standards, or totally a bootleg. Well, the Kotobukiya R-Gun came in and solved that. [Got some pictures of the front boxes for comparison, and instruction manuals.]( I should've maybe considered where it says "use little nippers had best" or calling the Fang Slasher "cutting frisbee". I'd even say AliExpress isn't to blame, it didn't say Kotobukiya. I kind of want to just go in straight for the R-Gun... But I'll give the Alteisen a chance. Maybe it got better! It's numbered 42 rather than the Huckebein's 7, so maybe there was time inbetween to improve. Or maybe it just took those numbers from the Kotobukiya and it will be more of a nightmare because it's much more complicated. Only time will tell. [The Huckebein MK-III!]( I got what I paid for. Constructing it was the first hurdle. The instructions are sometimes difficult to comprehend where a piece is going or how it's oriented. Unlike a gundam where it'll show an extra picture or side view to show how a certain part should fit in, this just slaps a (!) onto it and hopes you'll understand. And barring one superflous piece that absolutely did not want to stay in, the kit functions. The mold is not perfect either, leaving either some stress spots where you can tell the plastic is being crammed right in there, or gaps that are way worse than normal. It's technically posable, although in trying to take picture it became more apparent how little it could actually stand up to poses. Balancing is an issue, and keeping parts connected is another. The head can't turn too much without popping off, and I can't tell if it's actually not in the socket all the way? I don't want to push down too hard and bust everything else. It's a little bigger than a regular 1/144 gundam, though since it's an OG suit that could just be par for the course. I can't be too mad since I probably paid more in shipping for it (and even then it was about the regular price of a GM/grunt gunpla) I'd say I want to go hunting around eBay for a true Kotobukiya version, but who knows if it'll actually be that and not another bootleg. I feel like I spent more time blabbing about other stuff that I don't want to take up too much time with games. Also because I haven't had that much time to stick to one thing. Yakuza 7 is happening, pushing myself to not get stuck in my usual Yakuza rut and progress the story, for some reason it's the hardest thing. Started Kingdom Come Deliverance, it's fine. For whatever reason booted up classic Star Wars Battlefront II and let me tell ya, it's still pretty nice. I know there are mods with crazy stuff like KOTOR things and I should consider it since I've well worn out that game back in the PS2 era. Got Cu Alter to 90 in FGO, and working on the 4* event people I've yet to level out as far back as summer Ishtar. Maybe after that I'll hoard my SQ and to steal a page from someone here work on getting everyone (even the 1 stars!) to max just for the heck of it. And maybe SIN and the pseudos, I GUESS. Bonus for making it this far: [My own little tree, with a special treat!](





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11/27/20 0:11


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