thé lîst
songs I'm vibing to right meow [updated constantly] --- |||| all time favez
Playlist Length
0 days, 2 hours, 3 minutes
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Playlist Last Updated
May 22, 2024
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Somewhat Popular
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Honestly, I'm listening to music nearly 24/7. I used to find new music via a website called [](, or miscellaneous blogs, but now, Spotify's algorithms are actually pretty awesome & fine tuned! I'd say I find a lot of new music via Discovery Weekly, or Release radar. Aside from that, via related artists, or just going down rabbit holes of one artist to the next. Or recommendations from friends, or the randomness of the internet (like reddit!) (so I'd say I'm quite often finding new tunes!) I've always been addicted to making playlists, and have a playlist for just about any mood (and if I don't have one to fit a vibe or mood, I'd probably make a new one lol). Since I started making mixes years ago (and transferred the relevant mixes (if I could find the songs) to spotify), I've established mixes with (what I consider) overall similar vibes. Something to the extent where, the more you start to listen, the more you can connect the dots as to why they're all in the same mix (in regards to energy, cadence, flow, instrumentation, theme, patterns etc etc) Whenever I find a song I like (could be new or old), it goes into [the list](, then from there (or at the same time) I'll throw it in whatever mix I think it fits in based off the aforementioned criteria). If I REALLY like the song, but can't find a mix for it, I'll just throw it into [my faves](, otherwise, I recently started a mix for tracks that I don't feel fit in super well, but I'd like to keep them in mind for later: [?????]( Also, the "∞ mixes" are a bit more loose with the criteria. TLDR: I've already established overall vibes/ individual criteria for the above mixes based on \*energy, themes, instruments used, emotion, cadence, flow, patterns, etc etc\* and since I've established them over the years, each playlist has almost become a sort of home that welcomes songs with a similar attitude! :3 (sorry for the long winded explanation!)
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Reddit Timestamp
1/9/20 7:04
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