🚬 Boarding School Gothic

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Data Refreshed On

February 8, 2024

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Dark academia circa 1986, a lot via él records. Andrew McCarthy as Richard in The Secret History.


Playlist Length

0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

November 8, 2019


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Sure. [Boarding School Gothic](https://open.spotify.com/user/amnesiacsiblings/playlist/2t4ibXSaaDFlhfcl1h7ozh?si=8uK-l5_jRG2wkrYJ54hi5w). The other thing about playlist on Spotify is that I feel like I have to be more widely appealing to the average listener. A lot of the playlists in this particular "dark academia" genre are filled with like... Bastille and Lorde, which is not really to my taste and also not 80s enough, but I still have some examples of modern music because I know a lot of the fans of this aesthetic are probably more interested in that kind of sound. So it's a compromise that involved me leaving out Elvis Costello - which I think is a little bit of a travesty, because Elvis Costello is like the patron saint of academic white boys in 1983. This playlist is secretly an obsessive love letter to él records. [Demonic Folk](https://open.spotify.com/user/amnesiacsiblings/playlist/34k5gqfl3WgZCepOXc2hLO?si=IngUXtJLTouBI9BiFKQyyg) aka That Comus Sound. Somewhat limited by Spotify only having one selection for First Utterance on it. I'm not 100% sure about the Robbie Basho inclusion because his music is... very sophisticated to be on a mix with Cro-magnon, and is also a different sort of atavistic to the rest of it. The Matt Berry track is the only real era-outlier here, but it serves some vibes I think. [Americana Fairytale](https://open.spotify.com/user/amnesiacsiblings/playlist/0UhFepZxCNUTy2BqImhrT9?si=AmnE9KCsSGSUpRtzE95rfg). This one I made for my boyfriend, it's supposed to be sort of like the music of Over the Garden Wall, because he likes that. I didn't really agonise over this one too much, it's just good autumn background music. I'm preparing for moving back to the autumn in November, because where I am right now it is spring. I'm working on some other very particular playlists - "Seedy Motel", "Seven Hours into a Twelve Hour Layover", "Halloween Lounge", "Glam Rock Songs About Space" but they're not finished yet!!!!!!!! I listen to lots of compilations and playlists, and generally I'll get annoyed with the selections on something and think, "I would do this way differently/better." Then I just make my version of that playlist.





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Reddit Timestamp

10/20/18 16:51


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