Fearless Era: A Collection

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Data Refreshed On

February 7, 2024

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take a deep breath as you walk through the doors... | Songs from the era, and songs from other artists that fit the storytelling themes or production.


Playlist Length

0 days, 7 hours, 39 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

July 26, 2023


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Track Popularity Rating

Very Popular



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Reddit Post

###Taylor Swift: By Era. I often hear about people asking for songs or artists that, production-wise, sound similar to Taylor... or a song that has similar storytelling themes to a Taylor song - and I kind of took that idea and ran with it. I've worked on these playlists for about 3 years and still constantly add to them. **Each playlist includes...** - Songs from the complete studio album - Any songs she covered that era, or sang on social media - Any songs that she sang with special guests on that tour - Meticulously picked songs **from other artists** that fit that era's lyrical themes or production, etc. - I would also like to mention that the future Taylor's Versions of songs on these playlists **will always** be immediately replacing the originals as they become available. I use [this Taylor's Version program](https://taylors-version.com/) to make it simple and easy to do, in case you're looking for a tool of your own. I know there are a lot of Debut stans out there, but unfortunately I don't have a curated list for Debut. I'll be honest in saying that it's my least visited album and I'm still studying its themes as closely as I am the others. I am hoping to release a Debut era playlist once the TV is released, as I'm sure I'll get more context to it. - [Fearless.](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2tj49ShCPAMsvaq7kaI5GY?si=zgnIoSvTRuacenD2iB6Mbg&utm_source=copy-link) - [Speak Now.](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2BYrEroB0eVmKPaG5GETJ6?si=0vZ8WMszTmqwLuG_erUxEg&utm_source=copy-link) - [Red.](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0SATcxtFWrzDpO0pnTAGOm?si=Y2rqwOGaRYeRfTEBbNxecQ&utm_source=copy-link) - [1989.](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4cPnsWyB4tfLENrX4PDK3Z?si=o0zmc9q5T4yJD7QidzN_rg&utm_source=copy-link) - [reputation.](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0bMe3ToRmuP5uReX72BM3U?si=oJ90i-AnQ-yJ6kcz-6ZbWw&utm_source=copy-link) - [Lover.](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4xKyR0FXDnOK9nBln0tnLf?si=f4DlzNuTSzyY6BoRMf2hJw&utm_source=copy-link) - [folklore & evermore](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4JHIQSjznNIZ1xOFMFMxzK?si=eUDc7azYSKqvirhQG3J7uA&utm_source=copy-link) - as a pair, they are sisters, after all. Always open to suggestions to songs to fit these eras, or future Taylor playlist suggestions. <33





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Reddit Timestamp

5/2/22 14:07


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