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Data Refreshed On

February 12, 2024

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Playlist Length

0 days, 7 hours, 26 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

December 12, 2023


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Reddit Post

I HIGHLY recommend taking your medication approximately 30 minutes before you start to code, then spend that time meditating/stretching/hydrating. Make sure you’ve had a light meal before medication, as you likely won’t have any appetite on the stimulant and can suffer from tiredness from a lack of calories or by eating too much. You’ll want the medication to start kicking in when you are actively trying to accumulate focus for the task at hand, otherwise the norepinephrine can get you hyperfocused on other things. Some people like to listen to music, and if that’s your preference, I suggest lyricless music on a low volume (my spotify playlist: [Lyricless]( ) - another option is white noise (youtube: [alphaWaves]( ) which also works very well. Now, get your phone out of your room and get your environment ready. For web dev, I personally think having at least 2 monitors is really important, one for your code/stack and one for your site. If you’re feeling all over the place, try to diagram or sketch out what you want the site to look like, then tackle the layout/css. It’s okay to be stressed and perfectionistic on a project. But what’s most important is that you notice how you’re feeling, and can take a deep breath (in for 4s, out for 8-10), and put yourself back in. If you’re overly anxious, watch out for caffeine, it will compound with the concerta in a negative way. If you’re feeling tired before or during, do some pushups/situps, or some quick light workout to get the blood flowing and stay hella hydrated. Finally, set timers (Pomodoro style) for working/ breaks, but find what times work for you! It’s really hard for me to come back from a break, so I’ll typically work for ~3hrs with a 30min break. When your work timer goes off and you feel in the zone, keep going, and adjust your work timer a little later for next time. Just remember, you’ve got this :)





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Reddit Timestamp

1/4/22 8:49


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