/u/aerocom's Greatest Hits 2005

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February 21, 2024

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I was five when I made this and I don't regret it at all


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0 days, 0 hours, 38 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

April 8, 2018


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So when I was five, I had my mom make me a CD to give to people at my birthday party called "/u/aerocom's Greatest Hits 2005" and here is the tracklist: 1. Village People - YMCA 2. Smash Mouth - All Star (I loved Shrek) 3. In the Belly of a Whale (some veggie tales song) 4. Bob Marley - Three Little Birds 5. Cat Stevens - Moonshadow (i made a 2005 lyric video to this but didn't look up the lyrics so they're like half wrong. and the audio quality was absolute shit. [here it is boys](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgDmhITv26c)) 6. Don McLean - American Pie 7. Barenaked Ladies - If I Had $1,000,000 8. Uncle Jracker - Drift Away (a bop) 9. Jimmy Buffett - Cheeseburger in Paradise (A few friends, my younger brother and I made a great "movie" and one of the characters has a sword up against their neck at the verge of death. The one holding the sword said "any last wishes" and the other said ["can I have a cheeseburger in paradise"](https://youtu.be/Ndw9Fg5jn7g?t=5m42s) and if that wasn't pop culture awareness in media at its finest then I don't know what is. [here's another clip that i love from the movie](https://youtu.be/Ndw9Fg5jn7g?t=2m8s)) 10. Veggie Tales - I Can Be Your Friend (one of the best songs ever made, you bet your ass Aunt Ruth has a fuckin beard) 11. Some Crash Bandicoot Theme (I can't find it anywhere but it's a good song, if anyone wants to help find it it goes something like ba dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun ba and then some other instruments and its so god damn good) [listen](https://open.spotify.com/user/starhed/playlist/37JnQnB5rnFPbeF8MeQyDJ?si=SXVS-XAoT62ijB7zrtu7XA) E: I'm happy so many of you share the love for veggie tales songs





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Reddit Timestamp

4/8/18 10:49


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