最新最 HITO 的華語流行歌曲就在這立即收聽!Cover: 邱軍 (Qiu Jun)
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0 days, 3 hours, 15 minutes
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Playlist Last Updated
June 10, 2024
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I like kpop too, but I personally find idol cpop to be lacking. So I'm going to recommend non-idol music that hopefully is still accessible to a kpop fan. Also, I'm not a huge fan of ballads, but there's SO MANY popular ballad singers--you should have no problem finding those. GEM 邓紫棋 - She is super famous, so this is kind of an obvious pick. But I think her music is very accessible. Many Chinese survival shows cover her songs. She also has some nice ballads. Shi Shi 孙盛希 - Fun fact: she actually grew up in South Korea! I don't think she has any songs in Korean, though. But she makes lot of light, fun pop songs. A Si 阿肆 - I don't think A Si's music is that similar to kpop (at least not any kpop I've heard), but a lot of her songs are quirky, which is also how I would describe a lot of kpop. Just quirky in a different way, I guess. Bibi Zhou 周笔畅 - Her sound has evolved a lot over the years, but I think her newer releases should be pretty accessible to kpop fans! Rainie Yang 杨丞琳 - I'm personally not a big fan of Rainie Yang, but the songs she's released so far this year somewhat remind me of kpop. There's also Jolin Tsai 蔡依林, A-Mei 张惠妹, and A-Lin 黄丽玲. I don't really listen to either of them, but they are all known as queens of cpop, so they are definitely worth checking out if you haven't already. For a good example of what's popular in the Mandarin-speaking world outside of Mainland China, check out [this Spotify playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DWWqC43bGTcPc?si=nsu6s4I7TzKRFs8K4d0R6w). It has a lot of ballads.
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10/31/20 22:51
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