00s Metal Classics

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Data Refreshed On

September 19, 2023

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The biggest metal songs of the 2000s. Cover: Slipknot


Playlist Length

0 days, 7 hours, 5 minutes

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Discovered On, Reddit, Spotify Category

Playlist Last Updated

February 8, 2023



Track Popularity Rating

Very Popular



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Reddit Info

Reddit Post

good day and happy anniversary, apes! really loving the good vibes rolling through the sub these past few days. apologies if I missed your "cheers!" post, but I left work early yesterday, got home right at market close and then cheers'ed with all of you as I replied. taking a drink of my beer throughout almost 3 hours of posts and replies was about as close to the century club that I've gotten to since my freshman year of college. for those unaware, the century club is taking one shot of beer every minute for 100 minutes. doesn't sound like much, but it adds up. add in the shots of jager every 30 minutes and I was done for the night before 10p. kinda like buying, holding and using options, maybe an individual retail investor can't take on wall st, but a million piranhas, while working independently albeit towards the same goal can take down whatever prey falls in their path. it adds up, and soon its death by a thousand bites. as for the here and now, we've got some early ncaa bb and nhl games on the tvs. in a few hours we'll have the only top-25 ncaa mbb game between UK and KU on most of the screens around the bar. should be a pretty good game and if you're into college basketball it's must see tv. also, was thinking of a madden tournament, but the only one I own is madden15 because I got tired of buying basically the same rehashed game from ea every year. speaking of my college days, here's a playlist of some of the 90s/00s [rock](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DWXNFSTtym834?si=VqjuNDdTTBenvwS5NuCMYQ&utm_source=copy-link) that I listened to a lot back then, and have been revisiting lately. never got the chance to see a lot of these bands, but was fortunate enough to see a few. including korn, like 5 times. and rob zombie once. and, once got dragged to a limp bizkit show by some friends. anyways...I'm yammering away when I should be filling drinks and replying to queries. if you have any requests link in the comments so others can enjoy what you're listening to. as always, take care of yourselves and those around you. help elsewhere when you can and be excellent to each other. and yes...I'm old enough that I saw Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure in the theater. on its first run through.





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Reddit Timestamp

1/29/22 15:29


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