Peaceful Piano

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Data Refreshed On

February 21, 2024

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Peaceful piano to help you slow down, breathe, and relax.


Playlist Length

0 days, 8 hours, 26 minutes

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Artist, Discovered On, Spotify Category

Playlist Last Updated

February 19, 2024



Track Popularity Rating

Very Popular



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Reddit Post

I experience this a ton! Especially lately! My best advice is to try different angles repeatedly and if you can tell you won't get any work done doing one technique- switch. * Try studying in different parts of the house, with different temperature, lighting and seating * Try going somewhere specifically intended for studying so you feel more obligated * Try working out, then studying to clear your mind * Try the Podomoro Method. Specific time intervals meant to maximize engagement. Here's a site that times it for you. []( * When you go on breaks for the Podomoro Timer, do things like draw, paint, walk around and make food. DO NOT go on social media you will let yourself get sucked in. It doesn't actually give your brain a break. * Try blocking ALL noise out and only listening to concentration music. Here's my two "focus music" sources: []( []( * **DELETE INSTAGRAM AND YOUTUBE**. Delete ANYTHING you can distract yourself with. If you feel like you can't control yourself, get someone else (a parent, friend or sibling) to regularly check on you to make sure you are keeping on track. * If your phone is too much of a distraction, get apps that block usage of different apps for a certain amount of time, or make your phone inaccessible. * Sometimes associating certain foods and drinks can help you get into the habit of studying. For me, a hot cup of tea and some nuts help. * Try rewarding yourself when you reach certain goals. I use chocolate for every 5 calc questions I get through. * End on a high note. If you accomplish enough and start to feel like you can't concentrate much longer, call it a night if it's not too early. If you push yourself too far and then beat yourself up for procrastinating, you only end up associating negative thoughts with the action of studying YOU'VE GOT THIS. This goes for anyone who sees this who is currently procrastinating. I know it feels impossible but just write out a list of everything you need to do and slowly, systematically make your way through. Best of luck I hope this helped!





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Reddit Timestamp

2/5/19 2:14


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