Top Tracks of 2023 USA
The most streamed songs of 2023 in the USA Cover: Morgan Wallen #SpotifyWrapped
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0 days, 2 hours, 47 minutes
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Playlist Last Updated
November 29, 2023
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> For clarity, in general, all variations of a song are combined for tracking purposes in MRC Data and on Billboard’s charts. Thus, all versions of “Levitating” are combined for tracking purposes, including its assorted dance remixes and variations featuring DaBaby, and Madonna and Missy Elliott, respectively. The same goes for The Weeknd’s “Save Your Tears,” which began as a solo track in 2020, and now continues to be popular via its 2021 remix with Ariana Grande. the inner stat nerd in me finds it so strange that Billboard won't just credit [the more popular version of "Levitating" streaming-wise (remix is #5 Spotify year-end vs. original is off the year-end chart) but will credit the less popular version of "Save Your Tears" streaming-wise (original is #18 vs. remix is #50)]( like, across the two major US platforms this is true: [Apple Music has the "Levitating" remix at #19 but no original, and the original "Save Your Tears" is #11 but no remix too]( I don't like the dude, but the DaBaby remix has literally 3x the streams of the original on Spotify's public numbers too? why pretend otherwise, we all know it's true. people will be mad but it's not like other shitty people literally have top accolades in the same article this year too. like, they put a whole paragraph explaining Morgan's controversy under his section. why not just do the same for "Levitating"? it's a conflicting thing to be annoyed at, I dunno
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1/6/22 11:47
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