slitting your wrists but all the Silly Bandz keep getting in the way
For the angst ridden pop punk early 2000's kid in you.
Playlist Length
0 days, 3 hours, 13 minutes
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Playlist Last Updated
February 13, 2022
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wait aren't you Canadian too???? anyways: they were inescapable on the radio in 2010/2011 - shoutout to the CRTC I guess because it really worked in their favour. I'm on their Spotify page right now and although it's been an entire decade and I have never listened to them except on the radio I STILL remember all the lyrics 😭 Fallout, Stutter, Haven't Had Enough, Desperate Measures, Cross My Heart? QUALITY!!!! (imo but that's also tainted with lots of nostalgia) Also, their frequency on the radio deluded me into believing they were huge everywhere... I truly was under the impression that they were on the same level as Green Day, Fall out Boy and Panic! At The Disco 🧍♀😶 Like I have a pop-punk-ish playlist called [slitting your wrists but all the Silly Bandz keep getting in the way]( and I slipped some Marianas Trench in there because I was like ahhh yes Marianas Trench is a pop-punk staple globally!! Like it's sitting between Bring Me To Life and Last Resort lmaoooo 😭 I don't really have a general perception of them when they were actually popping off because I went to schools where we only listened to rnb and hip-hop. No punk or pop adjacent stuff. also my final note is that when I started my job at a pizza place years ago I was very confidently pronouncing 'marinara sauce' as '*m**ariana* sauce'... as in Marianas Trench. took me a while to learn that there is indeed a difference.
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4/30/22 12:13
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