Movie Soundtracks

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Data Refreshed On

February 14, 2024

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Playlist Length

1 days, 10 hours, 57 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

October 26, 2023


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From my Spotify "Movie Soundtracks" playlist: * LOTR/The Hobbit (My favorite) * Indiana Jones * Jurassic Park * Back to the Future * James Bond * The Pink Panther Theme * Mission: Impossible Theme * Last of the Mohicans * Braveheart * Pirates of the Caribbean (Both Klaus Badelt and Hans Zimmer) * The Rescuers Down Under (Cody's Flight in particular) * TRON: Legacy * Harry Potter * Up * Inception * Star Wars * 1812 Overture from V for Vendetta * The Dark Knight Trilogy * Dances with Wolves * The Incredibles * Cloud Atlas * Hell on Wheels (TV show) * Band of Brothers * World War Z * Thomas Newman's "Any Other Name" on the American Beauty OST * A Series of Unfortunate Events (scored by Thomas Newman) * Forrest Gump * Avatar (James Cameron's) * Black Hawn Down * The Mask of Zorro * Interstellar * How to Train Your Dragon I also love Video Game OSTs: * Halo series (1-3 OSTs are the best imho) * Super Mario Bros (and other Nintendo themes) * Tetris theme * Assassin's Creed (the soundtrack for ACII is the best, and probably my favorite out of all games) * The Last of Us (contender for favorite as well) * Mass Effect series * Portal 1 and 2 * Uncharted * GTA IV: Soviet Connection track * Minecraft * Guild Wars (unfortunately not on Spotify, but the GW2 OST is incredible) * Skyrim * C&C: Red Alert 1 and 2 (rock instrumental) * Call of Duty series * Final Fantasy series * Little Big Planet: Orb of Dreamers * World of Warcraft * Medal of Honor: Frontline (by Michael Giacchino!, gives me some nostalgia trips) * Freedom Fighters * Borderlands * Ori and the Blind Forest Recommended by others in this thread: * Journey (PS3 game) * Destiny (video game) * Kingdom Hearts (video game) * Guardians of the Galaxy * Avengers * The Last Samurai * Bastion * Undertale * Shadow of the Colossus * Donkey Kong Country 2 * Xenoblade Chronicles * Zelda * Chronicles of Narnia (thanks for reminding me, /u/Amedais, these play on my Pandora station but I don't have them in my Spotify!) * Gladiator * The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt * Ni no Kuni * Ico * Freebird games * Super Mario Galaxy * Crypt of the Necrodancer * Bit.Trip.Runner * Fallout series * God of War series * The Hours * Transformers * National Treasure * Far Cry 3 * Game of Thrones * Little Inferno * Independence Day * Fez * Hotline Miami * FTL * Earthbound * Mother 3 * Man of Steel * Transistor * The Amazing Spider-Man 2 * Alan Wake * The Talos Principle * Team Fortress 2 * The Da Vinci Code * The Matrix * Oblivion * Grand Budapest Hotel * Red Dead Redemption * Robin Hood: Prince of Theives * 28 Days Later * Ace Combat 5 * Pokemon Mystery Dungeon * Gone Girl * Binding of Isaac * Nuclear Throne * Fury (2014) This is a pretty comprehensive list of my study/work music. I also have a "Skyrim" station on Pandora that I love. Edit: forgot a few Edit again: Holy crap, my first gilding! Thank you, kind ~~person~~ people, glad you like the list! Thanks for your suggestions, too, I have a lot more to explore! Edit for those wondering about the Spotify playlist: ~~No I will not be linking my playlist, it's linked to my real name, and Spotify doesn't seem to let us make anonymous playlists (I tried a throwaway but I would have to copy each track to a new playlist individually anyway).~~ Thank you, /u/memeboy404 for helping me out with the playlist copy. [Movie Soundtracks](, [Game Soundtracks]( And it looks like /u/terretsforever is making a nice YouTube playlist of the complete soundtracks instead of just my one or two tracks per movie, very nice!





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Reddit Timestamp

10/28/15 9:19


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