melting pop

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Data Refreshed On

May 28, 2024

Open in Spotify



Playlist Length

0 days, 3 hours, 23 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

May 8, 2024


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Somewhat Popular



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Reddit Post

I have posted my list here a few times over the past few years, and since the community is rather small and tightly nit, i assume many of you have seen it before, to those people i would like to remind that i continusly curate and they might find something new added if they sort it by date added. It was about a year ago since the last time i shared it here(only place i share it other than single people i meet), and i thought it was time to hopefully catch some of the new members of the community. Last time i posted it one person said that -they like these mega lists, but are craving for shorter, more themed and genre defined lists, and so i started creating such lists. They are still very much a work in progress, and i have less time to curate these days, but i will do my best to create som tasty lists with genres related to trip-hop and the surrounded sphere, plus others. With that said, i would like to add these lists to the thread. They started off with me picking out single tracks from my *mostly downtempo list*, sometimes completely taking them out of said mega list and move them over, then work towards creating their own esthetic, theme and more genre defenition. Here goes. Im sorry mods if some of these break the new rules of the subreddit. [Melting pop]( – Recently i have been getting into dream/psy pop, shoegaze and other indie type pop, i honestly do not know enough about pop, this is my take. [Colorful rock]( – Psychedelic rock? It rocks at least. [Applesauce jazz]( – Electro jazz [y2k-hop]( – An attempt to gather my favourite trip-hop and related music that came out around the year 2000, which is when my music tastes where more defined in my early teens. [Vocal trip-hop]( – Some of my favourite trip-hop with a vocalist present. [ruba duba dub]( – Some type of dub/reggae and or dub influenced trip-hop. [Funkasmallic]( – For all those that like funky stuff. [Low fidelity]( - An attempt to gather some of the new wave of lofi/chill-hop that cought my ears. [Beats]( – Mostly instrumental hip-hop [Tree house]( – For when i have friends over and they want to shake their booty. And with that i leave you to explore, i dearly hope you find something new to enjoy. I simply just love listening to music and sharing it. And i hope this post embodies the soul of a DJ. Side note: I am always happy when people dm me. Indie artists who wants exposure, labels that promote, perhaps someone who just likes what they hear and wants to talk music. Just be aware that there are no guaranties that any music you share gets put on any list. And that never will be any hard feelings, rather, if it does nto make it, ask for my feedback if it has any value to you. Love





Reddit Username


Reddit Timestamp

6/14/22 14:18


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