
Playlist By

Seb Sanchez

Data Refreshed On

May 31, 2024

Open in Spotify




Playlist Length

10 days, 13 hours, 37 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

May 29, 2024


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Track Popularity Rating

Somewhat Popular



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fantano is really knowledgeable about a lot of things, but he's like 33 and has been a music fan since his early adolescence, and so have many other people -- I don't think he's particularly erudite. He doesn't appear to have much knowledge about jazz and classical, he doesn't understand Trout Mask Replica, he seems to be iffy on electronic/ambient music, etc.. Go listen to the top 500 or so albums on Rateyourmusic.com (i'd personally say more like 800 of the first 1200 are absolutely essential, not all of them deserve to be as high as they are) look up some charts on /mu/, delve into the genres you find you like and soon enough you will pass for "knowing" music. There are also modern albums that aren't quite "Classic" that you should know, browsing rollingstone, p4k, and other publication lists as mediocre as they are, are good primers for understanding how the music you consume comes about, these magazines have been and still are the main tastemakers. once you know all the "classics" (and trust me, most genres of popular music have contributed to the great popular music canon, you'll know jazz, electronic, folk, trip hop, ambient, etc..) then anything else music knowledge wise gets real "Deep" real quick. I think this is all kind like the allegory of the cave, once you know how to get the information about albums and music and how the culture kind of works fantano doesn't seem so impressive at all. His real talent is his writing, his presentation, his personality, etc.. https://rateyourmusic.com/customchart edit: i also have a spotify list of all my favorite songs i welcome everyone to follow. it's 160 hours of music. https://open.spotify.com/user/sebastiansanchez1999/playlist/3JbVxoQU1uosaqwe26q2JJ?si=L2XOllcnTZG5Tmpl2QdifQ





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Reddit Timestamp

8/13/18 6:15


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