I'm Trying

Playlist By

Cody Swabek

Data Refreshed On

February 10, 2024

Open in Spotify



Playlist Length

1 days, 17 hours, 30 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

February 27, 2022


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Track Popularity Rating

Somewhat Popular



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Reddit Post

I (24 M) was going through a rough patch my sophomore year in college (2016) after a hard break up. I made a [playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3l6FMejZuSlIJunC95zGdF?si=7qyN9DnfSxCWjYtnG6ckBg) on Spotify that I used while driving around to cope. It only had about 27 songs on it with mostly Twenty One Pilots, Russ, Bon Iver, Michl, EDEN, and stuff like that. I have that setting on where when a playlist ends, it automatically plays songs Spotify thinks relate to that playlist. The **FIRST** song to play after the playlist ended was “A Haunted House” and it was ***MOVING*** from that first “Oh!... Yeaaah yeah yeah-e-yeah...” I instantly pulled off my normal route like, “*Yo... what is this!?*” and parked to listen to it. I was instantly obsessed.. I put it on repeat for the entire drive home and, if we’re being honest, cried a bit. Then, when I got home I sat in the car and took it off repeat and the very next song to play was “Simple & Sweet” which is, TO DATE, my favorite drop in any song, EVER! Needless to say I went upstairs and binged EVERY. SINGLE. SONG. he had to date. Four years later, here I am a full on Bellionaire, with every vinyl, hella merch, and had an *out of body experience* while **sober** at his GSP show in Atlanta. It was basically religious experience to me, which is saying something for me being mostly agnostic after a long falling out with religion! (Catholic school from 1st through 12th grade) Anyway, YEAH! Jon Bellion, instant obsession!





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Reddit Timestamp

7/16/20 13:27


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