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Data Refreshed On

February 12, 2024

Open in Spotify



Playlist Length

0 days, 2 hours, 39 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

April 7, 2018


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Reddit Info

Reddit Post

I generated a Spotify playlist for this thread, extracting song names from the comments, using a python script:   Hey there, decided to jump on this thread to test a little script i worked on to automatically extract a playlist from the comments. The script is really far from perfect as of now: it only accepts the usual Capitalized Song Names - Artist format, no spotify nor youtube links are accepted for now, and yet it still has a lot of bugs, fake positives and fake negatives. Also for this (relatively new) thread, the comments which actually contain song names are not a lot in comparison to the amount of comments this thread is receiving, so the playlist is quite short. At the moment it only searches for songs when i run the script, and does not check for new incoming comments on the thread, this is something i want to work on. For the sake of all the new "Luda" hunters contributing on this thread in the next days, i'm going to manually run the script again in order to update the playlist in the future. Also, i'm currently planning on making the script an actual reddit bot capable of finding song request threads such as this one (although this thread in particular is really... unconventional, I have to say). If you are curious and want to check out how the script works, it's on my github! I have to warn that the documentation is nonexistent for the time being and the code is really poorly written, as i originally created it to get a hang of some python mechanics which i still don't really comprehend. And if you want to check out other playlists made from other song request threads, you can visit my spotify user profile at (this is the first playlist on there). I'm currently looking for more threads to test the script on, so if you have old threads saved, send me a message and i'll run the thread through the script! Edit: Updated the playlist with new songs and manually removed some fake positives with definitely no Luda included





Reddit Username


Reddit Timestamp

4/6/18 13:42


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