Radio Hauraki
Playlist Length
3 days, 8 hours, 45 minutes
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Playlist Last Updated
June 30, 2024
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Track Popularity Rating
Very Popular
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Top Playlists
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The Rock 1000 - 2015
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Rock Throwback
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rock and/or roll
KINK 1500
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Playlists matched by number of shared sub genres
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ATLROCK by Lelê Bortholacci
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Long songs
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Mixtape Madness
Ricardo sinatra New infinite playlist
The Rock 2000 (2020)
Mr Melancholy
Rock of the Ages
The Playlist of all playlists the motherload
Kink 1500 (2019)
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Playlists matched by shared audio characteristics. Audio characteristics capture the mood of the music but can sound different.
52 hours of 90s alt rock etc.
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Keep Rocking
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the end unlimited
Something like Mongolian Chop Squad - BECK
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5 unplug
Indie Lightning
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b 💥💥💥💥
1990s Alternative (KWOD 106.5)
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Playlists matched by number of shared songs
The Rock 2000 (2021)
The Rock 2000 (2020)
MMR's A-Z Homeschooled Edition 2020
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KINK 1500
(mostly) classic rock
The Quintessential KROQ Playlist
Frank's Mega Rock Mix
Jack FM 93.1
Heavy Guitars & Dirty Blues
KROQ - 106.7
Kink 1500 (2019)
Dresden's Jams
The Definitive Rock Band Collection
Posto Serra Azul
Rock Band DLC
Kink 1500 (2020)
DJ Bee McBee