always $triving and prospering - A$ap Rocky
every body play the tough guy till shit pop off
Playlist Length
0 days, 0 hours, 41 minutes
Playlist Followers
Playlist Last Updated
January 26, 2022
Mixed Mood
Track Popularity Rating
Very Popular
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Main Genre:
Hip Hop
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Reddit Post
**12 TRACK ARTIST PLAYLISTS.** Ever wanted to get into or just listen to a specific artist, but haven't got the patience to check out an \*entire\* album (especially with how long certain artists' albums can be these days)? I've tried to come up with a solution: **12 TRACK ARTIST PLAYLISTS.** I've started compiling a pretty comprehensive stack of these playlists, with the following features: 1. Playlists are **c.12 songs** long - this ensures that the playlist is easily digestible over one continuous listen 2. Playlists encompass **songs from 1 single artist** \- this includes their own songs and songs that they feature on 3. Playlists will include songs from a **variety of albums / mixtapes** from the artist, and will rarely double down on songs from any one album, in order to maintain this variety 4. Playlists will include a mixture of **'fan favorites' and 'deep cuts'** \- the idea is that the playlist should cover all bases (including discovery) 5. **Playlists must 'flow'** \- this is VITAL. Playlists should NOT be a random collection of songs. Playlists are curated such that the listener is taken on a 'journey', from the first song to the 12th. This is quite an intangible part of these playlists, and some playlists will accomplish this better than others. It is the main feature that differentiates these playlists simply from a 'greatest hits' compilation. I've really enjoyed making and sharing these playlists with friends and colleagues, and wanted to share them here as well. I will try and post 1 Apple Music, and 1 Spotify playlist intermittently. Listener Guide: **NO SHUFFLING** and **NO CHECKING TRACKLIST** until you have finished the whole tape. (Spotify) A$AP Rocky: [\_dw]( (Apple Music) Talib Kweli: []( Feeback welcome - thanks
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Reddit Timestamp
10/26/19 15:05
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