Nederlandse Liedjes

Playlist By

Casey Kilmore

Data Refreshed On

February 21, 2024

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0 days, 3 hours, 49 minutes

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Hi, so I think it is an awesome way to keep track of your progress as well as to structure your study session and practice with authentic dutch pronunciations. First I was studying haphazardly from here and there and it was not getting me anywhere. So, I thought I would just pick up this book and stick to it. It helps surely. However, it's not enough. You will have to learn words and practice using other resources too. This is what I am doing to keep my study sessions organized as well as to learn all aspects of the language i.e. read, write, speak and listen. ​ \- Start with learning words from this flashcard deck - [Dutch in Images]( (I purchased it). I have set the limit in Anki for 20 news words every day. (Note: The deck does not have pronunciations though. I look at pronunciations using [Youglish Dutch]( \- Listen to Dutch songs or videos with subtitles. I don't understand most of what they are saying but I try to look at the words and the actions and associate them with the words in the subtitle. \- Go to Hugo Dutch textbook and work on one or two subsections of the chapter I am currently on (depending on the length of the chapter and the complexity. Currently, I have only reached Week 2, 2.2 though :P). If I don't understand any concept from the book, I go to [Dutch Grammar]( ​ \- Make flashcards of all the new words I learned via Hugo Dutch on Quizlet. I am dividing the sets chapter-wise. In case you don't want to make your own flashcards, you can access mine [here]( Import them into Anki once I am done with the Chapter as a separate deck and study that deck too regularly with Dutch in Images. ​ \- Listen to Dutch songs or videos with subtitles. I don't understand most of what they are saying but I try to look at the words and the actions and associate them with the words in the subtitle. Just trying to get the feel of the language, so to speak. \- \[Cooking Videos\]( \- \[Dutch Podcast\]( \- \[Dutch Music\]([]( ​ \- Write about 10 simple sentences on anything. If I don't know any word or any sentence construction, I just go to [DeepL]( to check. ​ \- Read some random text. I downloaded a few children's books. If I don't know any word, I add it to Quizlet. Although I am not paying too much attention to sentence construction for now. Just focusing on learning the words and seeing if I remember whatever I learn. ​ I am still just a beginner so I will probably update my study method if I think it's not working later. Hope this helps!!





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Reddit Timestamp

6/9/22 11:37


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