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Data Refreshed On

February 24, 2024

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Playlist Length

0 days, 10 hours, 7 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

February 19, 2024



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Somewhat Popular



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I didn’t start with couch to 5k, but allow me to share my own experiences. Zombies run was alright, as long as you overlook the quality of voice acting (sorry, I thought it was a bit too much). Then, after approximately one or two weeks, I realised I had to pay if I wanted a story on a daily basis. At that point, I instantly deleted the app and moved on. I used Pacer for a while because I was in a group, and then all of a sudden, the location services stopped working. They may be working now, but I’ve got no clue. Then, I went through other apps like Strava and Nike Running Club (I also have a tutor who used Nike and said it wasn’t too enjoyable, since the coach was off-putting. They were used to a real voice on couch to 5k, I think.) What I finally landed with was the “adidas Runtastic Running App”, since Apple Health had it on a list of recommendations. I stayed with it because I wanted an app that told me that every 5 minutes had passed. I personally listen to podcasts while running, since it makes me feel more productive (and frankly, even though I’ve been at it for a year now, I still think running is still really boring. I just do it for my mental health.) Although, it is worth noting that the five-minute reminder interrupts what you are listening to. You can still faintly hear it, but you’re better off having headphone that can pause what you’re listening to really easily. Though, sometimes I use music (I can’t recommend Carpenter Brut enough, it even consistently gives me runner’s high when you reach certain parts in the music while running as fast as you can downhill). [here is a link to my running Spotify playlist. 🤍]( If you’re interested in what podcasts I listen to, feel free to ask. But most of them are based on people I am interested in elsewhere (such as CGP Grey, Dan Harmon and The Yogscast. All the very best of luck with your continued running experience!





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Reddit Timestamp

8/22/20 16:24


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