Shallow Rewards // The Post-Rock Alphabet
An A-Z primer on Post-Rock, the Genre That Wouldn't Die.
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April 27, 2021
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Yeah, I rag on RYM a lot but they are not alone and the ironic aspect of this distortion is they are simultaneously hosting a lot of great reviews and highlights of music that was once obscure and in dire need of attention. At this point there is a category of music that is still very obscure: late 80s to early 00s indie and underground music - indie and alt rock especially. I'm always blown away when people 10 years older than me (i.e. mid-40) name drop a band or musician that was big on college radio and local alternative scenes that no one seems to talk about. Bands that have a decent entry and some archive articles with local magazines or papers, maybe even some deep cut plays on regional public radio station, but little else. Examples I can think of: lot of IRS signings, the band Consolidated (early industrial dance/electronic rock with hip-hop leanings and RATM level politics), the Texas band Sub Oslo, Austin band The Reivers, etc. Chris Ott (Shallow Rewards) has mentioned a few examples himself, especially in regard to [post-rock.]( Much of it is not streaming because the labels with the publishing rights are defunct or haven't bothered. Most are on cassette or CD or CD-R, the latter formats especially being less popular to seek out for collectors and has not been distributed online. A lot of this stuff is skipped over by those collecting older music (early 80s and older, 60s and 70s especially) and reissuing that. Many of the blogs that did cover it were nuked in the late 00s when filesharing sites got the hammer. It seems to live on largely through word of mouth and offline publishing and knowledge, the kind of stuff reserved mostly to old record clerks, former journalists, and others burned out online who are millenial/gen x cusp or older.
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12/6/21 14:59
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