Hipedi Hop
Playlist Length
0 days, 14 hours, 25 minutes
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Playlist Last Updated
February 9, 2023
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Track Popularity Rating
Somewhat Popular
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Main Genre:
Hip Hop
Reddit Info
Reddit Post
Hi! I just wanted to share my hiphop list and hopefully it'll be enjoyable to some of you. I've been into metal for the majority of my life. Back in 2009 during the winter i had the flu and one evening i wanted to listen to something other than shredding riffs and found Cunninglynguists - Lynguistics on my friends laptop that he had loaned me. I was amazed over how chill the beat was and it was my first real hiphop love. Ever since then i've kept searching for songs and back in 2011 i created my first hiphop list on spotify. Now i don't really know anything about the scene or hiphop in general but i'm fairly certain most of the songs belong within the genre of hiphop. A little while back while partying with some friends that are into hiphop, my friend told me while listening to my playlist that my list were special and not the typical hiphop list that you find. Not really sure what that means but that gave me the idea to post it here. I hope i'm not breaking any rules, and please excuse potential grammar failings and such english isn't my native language. And maybe for the sake of discussion it would be interesting to see if my list has a theme or if it's just a bunch of random songs. Ehm enjoy? https://open.spotify.com/user/thomtruck/playlist/4GZ0cnxQenJIxsWEzCWhMS?si=ISOf_fCaQ6GkvRFHW7Jt7Q
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Reddit Timestamp
3/28/19 4:15
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