C//E Influences

Playlist By

Ian Pritchard

Data Refreshed On

February 7, 2024

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Playlist Length

0 days, 8 hours, 36 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

November 28, 2020


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Hey, Ian aka C//E here - I've got a couple tips that can help you find similar chord progressions and voicings: The first thing is that I play in an open tuning, which lets me have the open strings ring out with the chord and still be in the key. This fleshes out the chords really well, making them sound more complex when I'm only fretting two or three notes. I mainly play in EAEABE which I came up with myself, but there are also a lot of other tunings people use and you can find what works for you (DADGAD, DADF#AD, DAEAC#D) I also really like 9th chords, so a lot of my chord voicings use that 9th to add some tension and that dreamy quality. 7ths also work well, especially if you mix and match the two. In standard tuning, the easiest 9th chord to play would be an A major in the first position but you let the B string stay open. In my tuning, a lot of chords end up being 9th chords if I let the open strings ring out, but also it's easy to play one with a standard power chord shape My last tip is to think about the arc of the chord progression, or how it is shaped. I think playing only barre chords or open position chords give a very blocky feel, which works great in folk music or a lot of contexts, but is a little lacking when trying to add a bit more emotion to the chord progression itself. A good example would be to play a first position C chord, then play an open G shape on the 8th fret, then play 33200x (like an E major shape moved down one string) - all of these are C chords, but they give off very different emotions to me/ This can also be done by trying to add a melody within the chord progression (I learned a lot of this from studying Elliot Smith's music, as well as jazz standards) Here's a playlist I made with a lot of my guitar influences. Some different eras of emo, some post rock and ambient, some indie rock, some electronic, all that shaped how I think about and play guitar. [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4U04acT2vYFJamxy5LQCR6?si=d51cf08243a14d76](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4U04acT2vYFJamxy5LQCR6?si=d51cf08243a14d76) [https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/c-e-influences/pl.u-2LbILJ7qER](https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/c-e-influences/pl.u-2LbILJ7qER)





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Reddit Timestamp

4/3/23 14:34


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