Headphone Test playlist

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February 25, 2024

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Songs with varied mastering that im very familiar with.


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0 days, 2 hours, 48 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

February 1, 2022


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To start off the impressions, I'm definitely not a good writer and English is not my first language (see title for example), but I'll gladly answer any questions you may have. ​ Currently my main setup consists of the HE-4XX hooked up to a Focusrite Scarlett Solo, so these are actually the highest budget headphones I've ever had the pleasure of extensively using. With that said I've also been running the Onkyo A800B's on the Focusrite, I feel like they might actually really benefit from different amplification sources, as the difference between my phone amp (which technically does drive them at decent volume) and the Focusrite is night and day, It's almost like they lose all bass on the phone. If they require any burn-in I can't say since they've been used for about 2 years at the store I got them from as they were a demo set. ​ Let's get into the sound. They're extremely warm without losing clarity, extremely impactful and fast bass, clear mids, crystal treble with NO sibilance. I've been running these at very high volumes compared to what i usually run and have had no problems with my ears feeling pained. The bass to me is the high-point of these headphones, with nothing I've previously tried being able to deliver anything as impactful (HE-4XX, SHP9500, Fidelio X2's, AKG 7XX, HD6XX) without being overbearing. They lack a certain precision that the HE-4XX have, like the song Entity by Plusol sounds fantastic through the Onkyos but I just don't get those same goosebumps up my spine. Then again something like Spoiler by Hyper sounds far more impressive and just aggressive and in your face on the A800B's, the HE-4XX has the upper hand in precision but they don't hold a candle to the impact of the A800B's. ​ I'd also like to note that when I initially put on the HE-4XX's they felt extremely suffocating and heavy after my SHP9500's, but the A800Bs are on a whole different level of heavyweight, clocking in at almost 450 grams (sans cable), those earcups are full metal baby. And while I'm on the note of comfort, the pads are rather airy and breathe well, but are also pretty stiff and definitely aren't something you'll forget while listening. The headband is actually pretty decent, nothing too fantastic, the hinges and such like to squeak when turning my head around too which can get a little annoying. Now my main gripe with comfort is, the 3-ish meter long flat cable, the design is extremely cumbersome but at least the construction on the cable too feels premium. I would probably be alright with having spent 399$ on these if I got them for full price, though probably not blown away. But for the bargain-bin price, this is potentially the best deal I've ever gotten in my life. I'll definitely keep using them for listening sessions as they are just such an enjoyable pair to listen to. But when just gaming and relaxing at the PC the HE-4XX's still keep their place as my main stay for their comfort and precision. **FINAL THOUGHTS TL;DR** Headphones that have a sense of Luxury, with excellent bass. But some questionable design choices on the construction and comfort side. [SONGS USED FOR TESTING.](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Wu9mORQdYwkoIrogWwnXK?si=eTQKM15wQ9qxrYOp1tIbmQ) Started out as a test playlist for specifically the HE4XX but now i just use it for any new headphones since I'm so personally acquainted to all the songs there. EDIT: Also i'm going to bed so if any of you actually ask anything I'll probably answer in about 10 hours.





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Reddit Timestamp

5/10/20 17:17


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