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**The Pretenders** 🎼🎼 So there is no way to sugarcoat it: my last post was a bust. My fans hated it, the Critics compared it to Two Door Cinema Club’s [latest album](https://open.spotify.com/album/2B8XjtAmVjVTd6CMpMAosY?si=oJ8H02h9SnK3_hTC_wbq7g). Self indulgent and indicative of 4 of the top 7 signs of [early onset Alzheimers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ); clearly I was “losing my touch”. My producers demanded I make a redemption post or they were selling my contract to Pitchfork. Well, this week rather than promote my own work, I thought maybe we could put the focus on the other players in the field. These so called "playlist makers”, stuck in their old ways of playlist creation, jockey amongst themselves for the title of second best. Here we go: /u/ogremania: > [Dreampop](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Xqe8GUIk03U6PmVKSAv5B?si=PFmmCTTYRCK4zHTlDcE2jA) - 12 hrs 58 mins - 2020 - 65 follows If lower ranked liberal arts college radio spilled a playlist. Featuring a handful of decent songs (Sleep In - Telekinesis, Golden Light - STRFKR (Skeletron Remix), Come to Me Now - Kevin Morby, Lauren - Men I Trust, Atta Boy - Walden Pond, Outlaw - The Staves), most of which I have known about for years. Still you could do a lot worse. Such as: /u/ThisIsJakeKaiser: > [Indie Shores](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0rWGwaQDHoF3i6Yh7iz4XT?si=pDoSaJpGQHKQmlGDI66Oqg) - 6 hrs - 2020 - 1670 follows Mixes mainstream with the unstreamed to create a steaming pile of songs that almost sound good, until you really listen to them. Couple of exceptions include: [Turn Twice](https://open.spotify.com/track/3xZciXll3UZ0DYsvHIqMs8?si=3OYu3bw2Q4GjvcpsuwDv7g) and [At Home](https://open.spotify.com/track/4wDgL9CFL7ee8Z7gwQCXJW?si=FoYUSJ7JRwWldbTkKkvCpQ). /u/Murakami8000 > [Starred](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7xmGdZRlZMxkVomJKEqpcH) - 20 hrs - 5 follows Once insulted me to my face by saying we had similar tastes in music. Just like the namesake, he has some decent ideas, but, much like his namesake (wow Murakami you have yet *another* protagonist who loves reading and 80s pop music), these ideas fail to materialize to a cohesive whole. Props for being ahead on songs by [Blake Mills](https://open.spotify.com/track/2Ze3b9iBLZbNlNZ5Um2aMn?si=XWOaADmDTMKlZ6XJ0HvY2A), [The Moth & The Flame](https://open.spotify.com/track/6ROPQskDcAdD4PDFVQk7k3?si=w-PWqv5RQhyEXtTxGNz4Fg), [Cave Man](https://open.spotify.com/track/4wwT6ha1QZCbpPz1kn6nwg?si=J0zNJMxBTdeKOrqw2mFVPA), and [Wye Oak](https://open.spotify.com/track/4So2X7OC8Z7Rk2iaAl96AU?si=Ii6krFwcTIyYsrn_SUze-w) (though [neither](https://open.spotify.com/track/1HjU64ypiWiQFlzuiFtxwb?si=Ouz6Zas8T2OP06BPMJEfFw) of their [best songs](https://open.spotify.com/track/2aAwkiPJwzHrj2Uendg521?si=g5_3AHcVQl-atqTn7ww2MQ)). /u/JonMagnusson: > [Pop With An Edge!](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3pfgfiudqRr7wVJIuDjaeU?si=eW3M42tuQYGKFD9UY42w2A) - 3 hr 26 mins - 2019 - 1416 Likes does a good job appealing to the 40+ divorcĂ© market, even putting a few of his own song, to make sure the playlist perfectly mimics their depression and loneliness. If /u/thisisjakekaiser does not change his ways, I fear his future holds very much the same. /u/ForTheLoveOfBands: > [New Indie Music // Indie Radar](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0laXYPFf5fTMw2SRc90Xxk?si=TL2UHFdNT9-8TXOOu8GxKA) - 4 hrs - 2020 - 5,957 When he isn't [blatantly stealing my finds](https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/bkdkiy/i_made_a_indie_rock_n_pop_playlist_where_i_add/emgdbbo/) curates a "new and up and coming playlist”. At its peak I believe it had over 7,200 follows meaning it has shed around 15% of his followers. Not surprised. The problem with trying to reach too far into obscurity. I would eat my own cat if a single song on my DW ever originates from here, but I bet some of these groups have opened for a more popular group at the venues where the bands I like play their shows on different nights. /u/Naked-Roebot, whose genius is putting the names of various artists between “()”, has come up with the following: > [(Alvvays)](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5NsCCKSRz97bP8OuQskPTg?si=bqubhfQkRTSRaSAY5CaNXg) - 6 hr 30 mins - 2020 - 100 follows > [(Beach House)](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5TsqNOBziM2wKG542uJYyz?si=LEsWbourShKT_EMZ4pxLHA) - 5 hrs - 2020 - 95 follows Of the 113 songs on the former, 7 of them are actually good ([Thinning](https://open.spotify.com/track/12Eg39q87Bi9FN99roiI11?si=j9y8KbzXSeCDTcKyYzbJZw), [A Great Design](https://open.spotify.com/track/4xbf2kdYaW21pJpQIDQyL5?si=7KgjDfalQzOlOD4RxDcDXg), [Survival](https://open.spotify.com/track/5PdRcMiDLNla6f1N36VLlU?si=ODp7Bh7IQqud5nVSgJP4SQ), [Go](https://open.spotify.com/track/0SCtV9YQhnsY0m277xlmxg?si=pDv0-8AQQua4wf5iPCf-6A), [Somewhere](https://open.spotify.com/track/07w28JF0iYZsJREgD3906I?si=hJF8LFgoTDGP0TxCuVSrhA), [I’m Fine](https://open.spotify.com/track/0w9BogmsQSklaERVHIF9e1?si=rapkoPuGT6-OwQuGWaE8Tg), [Woman that Loves You](https://open.spotify.com/track/1Ddmip7ro8VGzhTbDE4pcg?si=xv-jrIV-Rda9bjKZxU2Uxg)) and there are some lesser tracks by great bands (L I P S, Face in the Moon, Soft Stud, Jesse). Lower hit rate on the Beach House playlist, but still 4 good songs ([Go](https://open.spotify.com/track/0SCtV9YQhnsY0m277xlmxg?si=vA89eG8iQ5iamzF2q10erw)(again), [A Great Design](https://open.spotify.com/track/4xbf2kdYaW21pJpQIDQyL5?si=QLhnbcR9R0CaVvo2dQ9PdA)(again), [Outside](https://open.spotify.com/track/7kU5no0i1TK71zPI3IBUND?si=DaM8zNGHQnyTksiGGOru3g) and [Lazy Love](https://open.spotify.com/track/7kU5no0i1TK71zPI3IBUND?si=DaM8zNGHQnyTksiGGOru3g)) out of 67, even if two are repeats from the other playlist I linked. Ill even admit that he beat to me to a few of these tracks (not that any of *you people* could tell which ones without using my playlists to confirm). Probably the closest thing I have to competition 🎼🎼 So there you have it, the Pretenders, the wannabees, the try-hards. Now, don’t let anyone ever say I never did nothing for no one else. Alright, now I am off for a nice break, but in the meantime remember that [Haters Be Learners](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/10PqGJ9g4in2cGAfVB7ZE1?si=MfIIc1N2RaK-mGZmjjAsLA). [🎵👥🎵](https://open.spotify.com/user/1233567934?si=y2s548BlSK6mY-K2LTX2pg)   [Thanks for Listening](https://www.reddit.com/r/indieheads/comments/hd7gmu/sunday_daily_music_discussion_june_21_2020/fvktdr7/) (shit post)♠️♠️





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8/16/20 17:37


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