Music to conquer worlds by

Playlist By

Oliver Emberton

Data Refreshed On

February 2, 2024

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Playlist Length

0 days, 9 hours, 30 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

May 23, 2023


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Yes, I had a feeling there was more to it 🙂. The thing is, if there's this negative motivation behind it - that nagging voice trying to ask you whether you live up to your cousins or not - then working on these goals can easily get connected to that feeling too. And then your brain would actively try to avoid that feeling by distracting you. But there's a deeper motivation behind it. You becoming independent. You leading a great life with an important job that pays you a crapload of money, so you can do whatever you want. You starting life on your own terms. It's important to keep in mind what you're doing it for. Every morning, tell yourself what you're working to achieve. Perhaps something like this: 1. I'm working hard to become independent. 2. I'm creating a successful life for myself. 3. I'm putting in the work now, so I can make it in my own. If you're still struggling to commit to your tasks, you could try these things to start learning new habits. - Schedule some blocks of time in your calendar for full focus. Just start with one or two blocks of one hour at first. If you can keep that up for a few days, move to 1.5 hour. Or perhaps 3 blocks or even 4 blocks. Take it easy, build it up slowly but steadily. - Make your distractions as difficult to reach as possible. Put your phone in a different room when you've got your focus time. Create a different computer or browser profile for studying, without any bookmarks to social media or other distractions. - Create a "getting started" ritual. Put your books on the table, get everything ready, make a nice cup of tea, put on your favorite music playlist for work (I recommend [this one]( on Spotify), and get to it. - If you still find your mind drifting away, stop. Take 5 minutes to write down what's going on in your mind, put it aside and agree with yourself to get back to those thoughts after your focus block. - If it's still not working, take some time at the end of the day to write down how it went. What were you thinking about? Why was this on your mind? What did you try to overcome those thoughts and why do you think it didn't work? What are you going to try next time you're stuck with those thoughts? It's about building strong habits to get you more productive. But they need to be grounded in a solid belief that you're actually doing it to achieve something worthwhile. Otherwise, your mind will immediately see through it, and do everything in its power to distract you. You have to care more about it than your mind does about distracting you. By the way, if you do want to try yet another book, try Atomic Habits by James Clear. It's the best book about getting things done since "Getting Things Done".





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Reddit Timestamp

5/8/22 15:14


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