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Data Refreshed On

February 8, 2024

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Playlist Length

0 days, 16 hours, 31 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

December 11, 2015


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Track Popularity Rating

Somewhat Popular



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Reddit Post

When I first started getting into music, I would hear a song I like, usually from the radio, and I would "download" the whole album the song was from and put it on to my MP3 player. Whenever I listened to music, I would shuffle the entire MP3 player's library. If there were albums I noticed I liked a lot of the songs on it, I would take the time to listen to the album proper on my computer. I didn't really do this for a long time, but it helped me find and solidify a lot of my early music interests. After this, I got into streaming. I started by primarily using Pandora. The big three stations for me when I started were "Fall Out Boy Radio," "Dubstep Radio," and "Imagine Dragons Radio." I used Pandora to find songs and albums to supplement my MP3 player and own music collection. I eventually started getting into Spotify and curated my own playlist filled with songs I liked ([here it is btw shoutout middle school](https://open.spotify.com/user/1240911329/playlist/4sGabMO8B1d5LTKBW4xDXe?si=VHbRsE2vRmawoGQopL36eQ)). While curating the playlist helped to ensure that I primarily listened to songs I really enjoyed, I still had to keep an actual library because the only way I could listen to music off my computer was my MP3 player since I never had a phone to listen off of until I think when I was a rising sophomore in high school. Also an addendum, I used to visit the library a lot to check out CDs and burn them to my computer. I think I went with my friends a couple times and probably found out about some albums this way. Anyway, I eventually did get a phone I could use consistently and my family got a Spotify Premium family account so now I could primarily use Spotify for music listening and the days of keeping an actual computer library are in the past. **okay i have to go right now but please reply to this post so i can finish it later i haven't got to the end yet**





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Reddit Timestamp

5/27/19 14:51


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