Radio First Termer 69 FM

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Data Refreshed On

May 18, 2024

Open in Spotify


Coming To A War Near You


Playlist Length

0 days, 6 hours, 4 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

March 15, 2024


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Back in the 80s one of my supervisors in the military had a set of cassette tapes from his time in Vietnam during the war. He called it "Radio 69". It was Dave Rabbit, a DJ on an underground radio station called "Radio First Termer". You can download and listen to some of them [here]( A list of the songs played on the only known recorded version is [here]( For those without internet access here's the list :) * Bloodrock - Double Cross ([play]( * Carlos Santana - Evil Ways ([play]( * The Who - Pinball Wizard from the rock opera Tommy ([play]( * Cream - White Room ([play]( * Sugarloaf - Green-eyed Lady ([play]( * Cactus - You Can't Judge a Book By Looking at the Cover ([play]( * Iron Butterfly - Soul Experience ([play]( * James Gang - Funk #49 ([play]( * Three Dog Night - Mama Told Me Not To Come ([play]( * Steppenwolf - The Pusher ([play]( * Jimi Hendrix - Fire ([play]( * Jimi Hendrix and the Band of Gypsies - Changes ([play]( * Led Zeppelin - Good Times, Bad Times ([play]( * Spencer Davis Group - I'm a Man ([play]( * The Byrds - Eight Miles High ([play]( * The Beatles - Tax Man ([play]( * Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth ([play]( * Vanilla Fudge - You Keep Me Hanging On ([play]( * Eric Burton - Monterrey ([play]( * Love - My Flash On You ([play]( * The Who - The Overture from the rock opera Tommy ([play]( * The Who - It's a Boy from the rock opera Tommy ([play]( * Three Dog Night - Rock and Roll Widow ([play]( * Bloodrock - Dead On Arrival ([play]( * James Gang - Stop ([play]( * Cactus - Feels So Good ([play]( * The Who - See Me, Feel Me, Touch Me, Heal Me from the rock opera Tommy ([play]( * Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze ([play]( * Steppenwolf - Don't Step on the Grass Sam ([play]( * Three Dog Night - Chest Fever ([play]( * Sugarloaf - West of Tomorrow ([play]( * Bloodrock - Gotta Find a Way ([play]( * Santana - Soul Sacrifice ([play]( * Led Zeppelin - Heartbreaker ([play]( * Donovan - Hurdy Gurdy Man ([play]( * Three Dog Night - Cowboy ([play]( * Bloodrock - Fancy Space Odyssey ([play]( * Steppenwolf - Born To Be Wild ([play]( Edit to add the [wikipedia entry]( because it is such a riot. Another edit: added play links because I'm listening to them all anyway. /u/zd9999 made a spotify playlist for us [Radio First Termer](





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Reddit Timestamp

11/3/20 16:18


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