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every album that pitchfork has ever given a pefect 10/10 score


Playlist Length

2 days, 22 hours, 18 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

May 2, 2017


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With finals soon to be over, I'm going to have a lot more free time on my hands. With it, I've decided to attempt to listen to and review every record that Pitchfork has ever given a perfect 10. So far I've completed 4 out of roughly 100, and I figured I'd share my reviews with you all in the dmd once or twice a week. I'll start with two today: #Kanye West - *My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy* (2010) This is a perfect hip hop album that I've been lucky enough to appreciate since it's HYPE stages. Kanye touches on the times perfectly - not only popular culture, but his own mental state and personal status as well, shamelessly boasting his recognition as a hip hop icon while also being hit with some of the cruel realities of what super-stardom brings. Since he started making music, Kanye's popularity originated largely from the creativity and variety of his samples, and in his Dark Twisted Fantasy, these samples are better than ever. The wide range of featured artists helps to perfectly capture a wide range of emotions that someone realizing their demigod status would feel. No song on this album is anything less than great, and Kanye will make sure you know that he knows it. 10/10 Favorite Songs: Runaway, All of the Lights (w/Interlude), Power Least Favorite Songs: Monster I guess? None are bad. #The Velvet Underground & Nico - *The Velvet Underground & Nico* (1967) This album is definitely unlike anything I've ever heard from the 60's. I can understand why it's heralded as one of the more influential classics in regards to indie & rock music of today, but it's also not something that I'd have any interest of going back to in this day and age. The guitar and drums are undoubtedly catchy and fresh, but often feel like they're building a staircase to nothing. The vocals are uniquely monotoned, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the subduedness throughout the album keeps this from really grabbing me. 7/10 Favorite Songs: Heroin, Sunday Morning, Run Run Run Least Favorite Songs: Venus in Furs, I'll Be Your Mirror ____________________________ [Here's my giant playlist I've put together of all the albums that are available on Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/user/1237952313/playlist/5DixdXbTQA3bZoGAqXqOzJ) Let me know what you think about these. If there are any albums that are tens that you'd like me to review I'd be happy to move it up in my queue!





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Reddit Timestamp

5/2/17 11:46


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