the feminism leaving my body when these songs start playing

Playlist By

karla ⛧

Data Refreshed On

June 10, 2024

Open in Spotify


it’s not about what you can do about misogyny, but about what misogyny can do for you


Playlist Length

0 days, 18 hours, 23 minutes

Playlist Followers




Playlist Last Updated

June 6, 2024


Mixed Mood

Track Popularity Rating

Somewhat Popular



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Reddit Info

Reddit Post

[Redemption Rate II/Ratrick]( has only been open since Friday, and we already have [14 incredible participants!!!]( If you don’t see your name here and you submitted a ballot, feel free to dm my cohost u/RandomHypnotica and make sure your ballot was counted In the meantime though… Just because of the number of incredible songs in the rate, I figured I could go over a few of them here over the next month. After all, there are 40 songs here, all of which were robbed in previous rates… so I figured I could help give context for what’s here and why! --- #3OH!3 - DONTTRUSTME * Original Rate: [Billboard Hot 100 Year-End Songs of 2009]( * [Original Placement: 47/100]( * Original Average: 7.099 // Total Points: 653.1 // Controversy: 2.952 // [Listen]( The first song on the ballot was a bit divisive in its original rate (although [not the most controversial](, and it’s not hard to see why. 3OH!3’s brand of obnoxious party boy schtick was controversial at the time and it’s misogyny has only gotten clearer with time. But well… the fact that it’s one of the main songs in [“feminism brain off”]( and [“misogyny bops”]( playlists says enough. This song BANGS, and it’s no wonder why it’s stuck around. The lyrics, as outrageously offensive as some of them are, are INSANELY memorable. “Do the Hellen Keller” and “if he says he’s got beef… I’m a vegetarian and I ain’t fucking scared of him” are two of the most out of pocket lyrics in recent memory, and make this song iconic in spite of itself. A song as silly (and arguably offensive) as this placing in the top half of a rate as loaded as 2009’s Year-End is no small feat, but the song deserves another chance. --- #Ape Escape 3 - Banana Heartbreak * Original Rate: [Video Game Vocal Rate]( * Original Placement: [61/65]( * Original Average: 6.085 // Total Points: 559.8 // Controversy: 2.786 // [Listen here]( The second song in the rate is the first of three submissions from the Video Game Vocal rate! It’s tied the rate with the most songs in Ratrick - both rates clearly emerged as ones with many personal favorites of members of the raterbase. I’ll be honest - I know nothing about Ape Escape. I know there are funny monkeys, and I know there’s this song. And honestly, that’s enough to compel me. This boss song, for the lady monkey character who’s unhinged and in love with antagonist Specter, is just so campy and fun. It’s got a eurodance beat, weird ass lyrics, and a truly unhinged vocal switchup. Fun fact - Europe and North America have separate dubs of the game, and with the two dubs comes two versions of the song. Somehow, European version ([the first one here]( is even more unhinged than the English dub.





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Reddit Timestamp

3/20/23 10:04


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