Playlist By

Java <3

Data Refreshed On

February 11, 2024

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0 days, 4 hours, 5 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

November 4, 2022


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1. Blue Exorcist! Specifically Assiah 2. Onigawara Java 3. Onigawara Chan, or Java Chan if we're close 4. I'm 16 5. 168 cm, or 5'5" 6. I'm pretty pale 7. I've got a pear figure. 8. March 23, Aries! 9. I don't really trust people and I was pretty cold to my friends at first. After I let myself open up though, my friends described me as bubbly and energetic. 10. Yeah, but they aren't *great*, y'know? 11. Cis Female, she/her! 12. My eyes are pink! 13. I've got long, baby blue curls with bangs that sweep over my left eye 14. I've got a tail that matches my hair tone with a little fur puft at the end. My ears are pointed and I've got fangs in place of eye teeth. 15. My earlobes are pierced but that's it 16. Strawberry shortcake 17. My ancestor cursed my bloodline by making a deal with Satan. When I use my powers, I'm covered with blue flame, my ears get longer and pupils become slit. When I unleash my demon heart however, I grow ram's horns, my arms and hands become disproportionately large and I can dislocate my knees to create hook joints. 18. I live in Japan, at True Cross Academy. I love the courtyard gardens, they're beautiful, but Moriyama Chan's garden is even better. And there's so much to do in Academy Town, it's ridiculous! 19. Nope. I got my own dorm room. Less chance of someone seeing a tail :P 20. I'm a student at the exorcist cram school. 21. Yeah, I guess you could say that. 22. My parents are pretty wealthy and they cover all my expenses for me. 23. My cram school classmates are the closest people I have to "friends", although I'm not that close to some of them. I think I'm closest to Okumura Rin. 24. I'm on the older side of the class. 25. ...Decline to comment. 26. I met everyone the day cram school started. 27. I love gymnastics and aerial silks! I've incorporated them into my fighting style too. Other than that, I love baking, games, singing, swordsmanship, makeup and rollercoasters! 28. Most of the time it's school related. Rin and I like venting to each other about our lives while we're training tho. 29. I really like Ramune and Lychee Calpico! 30. I haven't really had much time to think about it, honestly. Maybe a soft purple? 31. I like loose clothes, like oversized sweaters and skirts! But most of the time I have to wear my school uniform. 32. The courtyard, the exorcist training rooms, my dorm room and Academy Town. 33. Gymnastics :) 34. I like the rain. My parents pretty much kept me locked inside my whole life, so I never got to feel the rain fall until now. It's refreshing 35. Afternoon/Dusk 36. I like them all, if I'm being honest! 37. Too many to count. 38. Mephisto. 39. My stuffed animals!!!! I bought a soft Kirby baby the first day I came to the academy and he's been my best friend since! 40. No... I'd like one, though. 41. I'm definitely ahead of the curve in my class, yeah. 42. I'd like to use strong language to express how I feel about Kamiki and Mephisto. 43. [I've got a whole playlist, ya want the link?]( 44. I *like* dancing. Doesn't mean I'm any good lol 45. Definitely more reserved. 46. I go to one of my places of choice, and if nothing's amusing me, I'll go to MepphyLand. 47. I think I could be, but I haven't had the chance. 48. Wake up, attend normal classes, attend Cram School, train, free time, homework & studying, bed. Not much room for activities until the weekend. 49. Vanilla and Lavender. Much nicer than the sulfer I have to be around at school. 50. I'm aware of everyone's secrets. They're just not aware of mine.





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Reddit Timestamp

4/24/22 2:10


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