Chill-ish EDM: A Love Story

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Data Refreshed On

May 28, 2024

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Mostly chill, some chill-ish, but all beautiful robot love songs that are impossible to sing to and all sound the same because this genre is for idiots. Suck it nerds. Kony 2012.


Playlist Length

1 days, 10 hours, 50 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

April 30, 2024


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Somewhat Popular



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Reddit Post

Especially songs that remind me of times when things didn't suck. Just hanging out with friends and gf's that aren't in my life anymore for whatever reason. I listen to SOOOOOOOO much music but there's certain songs I just can't listen to anymore that I used to love, like [Forget It by Getter]( What used to be my favorite playlist, [this one](, I don't listen to anymore for that reason. Same with [this one]( Just sucks because I can't listen to metal and stuff like I used to, can't get into it anymore idk why, and I can't listen to my current music without feeling sad. Just can't win :( I keep a bunch of playlists up to date for friends who follow them. I'll quit ranting because I could talk about music all fucking day lol, but it's nice to know it's not just me that deals with this. Edit: to put into perspective how much music I listen to... my Spotify year in review from a year or two ago I had like 107,000 minutes listened to which comes out to like 73 days. I'm always listening to music so this is a real problem lmao





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Reddit Timestamp

2/18/20 19:52


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