That Sunday Swerve [Complete Collection]

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Data Refreshed On

May 23, 2024

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There's times when you just need all of the bassy bangers, chilled out cruisers, fast paced indie tracks, in your feels grimey sad girl songs, and booming hip hop to all be in one playlist. That's what this playlist is for 😊


Playlist Length

3 days, 14 hours, 18 minutes

Playlist Followers




Playlist Last Updated

April 10, 2024


Mixed Mood

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Reddit Post

Lol, happily Basically music is a huge help in my ability to function. Organized and familiar noise is waaaaay better than the alternatives. For roughly the last decade I’ve been using Spotify almost exclusively. And as time has gone on I’ve found myself always finding new ways and places to get to listen to music. I have two different types of Bluetooth headphones, a Bluetooth mini speaker, a Bluetooth soundbar, and a Bluetooth car stereo connection. So between the accommodations I got for school and work combined with my ability to basically listen to music anywhere I’ve just watched my minutes steadily climb (albeit they took a huge dip during the pandemic, like huuuuuuge dip, and this year is almost identical in overall numbers to last). I’ve spent a lot of time both rebuilding my old music libraries I may not have access to and finding new (at least to me) music. To the point that back in 2019 I officially passed the 10,000 hours of music played mark. At that point I felt like I was a master at using that app… I had put real, focused, effort into learning how make my user experience an enjoyable one. From making sure I saved any songs **I’ve ever** enjoyed, to queueing up songs I love over and over, or like one of the most important ones of making playlists. I’ve been driving for work a lot over the last couple of years so most of my playlist building focus has been centered around my driving playlist… [That Sunday Swerve]( is my pride and joy lol Up until recently Spotify’s shuffle algorithm was a little rough for awhile which really made me have to evolve how I was making this playlist as it grew. What I shared above is the “complete edition”, over 69 hours of music made for sadgirls^TM who like bass and movement lol. But yeah… I’m rarely actually using that particular playlist. It got to the point where it was too large and the shuffle too bad for me to enjoy it. So I broke it down into volumes and chapters. Each volume is ≈15 hours and each chapter is ≈3 hours, thereby each volume has 5 chapters. 15 hours was my cutoff choice because that’s about how long I feel comfortable driving long distance by myself. My most recently completed [volume]( is volume number 4. And my most recently completed chapter is [chapter 3 in volume 5 ]( I have quite a few other playlists now, roughly a dozen from musicians I like, a handful from Reddit, another dozen from friends, like 20+ from a dj friend lol, moods I have, genres or styles I like, and more [Bassy femme alt indie pop punk hip hop +]( [Chill]( [Fuck Hip Hop]( [hey there sad boy 🥺👉👈]( [The kind of music women in the 1800s would flash some ankle to]( Most of the above are mine but not all. /r/IMAP /r/spotifyplaylist and /r/iylb are all decent places for finding and sharing playlists and music I’ve probably shared over 2000 unique songs, 200+ genres, and 100+ hours of music with the playlists shared in this comment. If you’ve got a mood I can probably find a song for it lol In fact, sharing music is one of my favorite things to do! On my Instagram I’ve probably shared several thousand songs publicly and an equal amount individually in private. It’s kinda wild and has actually gotten me connected with a number of artists I love Whelp! I’m tired lol Lemme know if you have any other questions (or a song request lol) otherwise I hope you have a blessed day





Reddit Username


Reddit Timestamp

12/6/21 1:55


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