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I live in an urban area, in an apartment complex, so burying/burning is usually not an option for me. The following is how I would make such an offering, and is not meant to adhere to any particular Hellenistic practice, but may be useful for those who love like I do or with people unsympathetic to honoring the son of Semele. Put on a Dionysus playlist (Medieval Babes, Dionysus [BTS), The Doors. Also: Apollo + Dionysus, wanted to share a playlist that i made for dionysus :) i (not creator of the link).made a pretty lengthy playlist for dionysus. i’ve been adding songs to it for the past couple of days and it’s like my baby lol. just wanted to share! feel free to use it :) [here it is!](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5ZGkT5uG9dni8p0BElKUCe?si=FIm9_w3SRR-M9lPFa7RRDw) Pop on ear buds if needed. Cleanse hands with lustral water or spritz self with basil water )basil essence was a perfume in Rome) Pour out a glass of the juice on whatever free ground available—what grows between sidewalk cracks and slabs counts! Mix the rest of the juice with wine (if you are of age, otherwise, use seltzer or the sparkling cider around this time of year) and invite Dionysus and His beloveds to drink with and through you. (I’ve been unable to finish a bottle, but so long as I use it in cooking or making drinks I share with Dionysus and His beloveds it seems to be acceptable. His Lordship doesn’t appear to object, but my relationship with Him may not reflect yours) While imbibing, try reciting poetry, dancing, or watching a play or a classic movie. Make yourself up, regardless of gender. Wear bells, use noisemakers. This is also great camouflage if you live with people who wouldn’t look kindly on honoring His Greatness. Also, for those in apartments and other urban settings, pouring out libations late at night avoids nosy neighbors, and putting biodegradable items [thin paper, organic items like seed pips, human-use liquids]?in storm sewers counts for ‘disposing in running water. Late hours mean fewer witnesses.) The seeds: sprinkle on top of fresh bread (bakery bought or made yourself) brushed with olive oil or butter, add the seeds to salads, serve with hard cheese and pickles or other vinegary food. (Vinegar = sour wine, so can be associated with Dionysus.) Anything you can use the juice for in cooking and baking works as well, just dedicate the work to Himself and share with others or invite Him to share through your body. Treat it like a dumb supper: set the table with your best, eat mindfully, inviting the god to share in every bite and sip. Dance and offer up anything uneaten. Leftover in an urban setting: wrap them neatly and precisely in foil, shiny side out. If possible (and legal), give leftovers to the homeless. Otherwise, dispose of the wrappers item separately from household garbage. Ideally, offer to a neighborhood compost.





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Reddit Timestamp

12/22/22 23:27


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