Sune no Kiseki

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Data Refreshed On

October 14, 2022

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Welcome to a collection of my favorite songs from The Legend of Heroes/Trails/Kiseki series, it'll get updated as I continue my journey through this amazing series of games!


Playlist Length

0 days, 17 hours, 36 minutes

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Reddit Post

I didn't know who he was or anything about this topic up until after I beat CSIV and started lurking the community and reading comments on YT, I only knew a few names like Wataru Ishibashi, Ryo Takeshita or Takahiro Unisuga but when I beat SC and went and listened to the EVO version of Fateful Confrontation I felt genuinely horrible, I don't know how THAT was even approved. That being said during my almost complety blind journey through the series I definitely noticed a severe decrease in quality when it comes to battle themes from CSIII onwards, Step Ahead and Proud Grudge were the only battle themes that I felt really stand out in that game (the rest of the soundtrack was great I must say). When it comes to CSIV I found myself actually liking most battles themes the first time I heard them in-gam, after I finished the game and went to spotify to listen to the soundtrack and add the one I liked to my [Kiseki playlist](, something I've done for every other game when I realized most battle themes didn't quite get me as most as others in the series, this game has a lot of battle themes but many of them were pretty forgettable, but even then the game has some real bangers. To be honest now knowing about this situation does nothing for me, at the end of the day I will judge with my ears and my ears only, if Hajimari end up having my favorite soundtrack in the series, so be it, if not, well that's a shame. I coudn't possibly waste my time having a music discussion when Im not even a composer, I can only say if I like a certain song enough or not.





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Reddit Timestamp

9/26/21 11:53


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