Playlist By

shut up

Data Refreshed On

February 13, 2024

Open in Spotify



Playlist Length

1 days, 15 hours, 29 minutes

Playlist Followers




Playlist Last Updated

July 9, 2020


Mixed Mood

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Main Genre:

Hip Hop

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Reddit Post

https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5lL7QHuDUrEMjWB2uecNRb Some albums aren't on spotify, unfortunately. Hit shuffle and find artists you haven't listened to before. Edit: hijacking top comment to say I'm really happy that this got so much attention and praise, and that this is finally able to shine even a little bit of light on artists that stay deep into obscurity with the same level of quality of the most popular ones. This kind of stuff is my passion. Here are my recommendations: My number one choice is Signor Benedick The Moor's El Negro. As incredible as it is overlooked. There's something on it for everybody. Experimental, funny, and emotionally relatable as hell. Illogic's Celestial Clockwork has some of the most shakespearean, poetic rap verses in history. When i put "avant-garde" as its connective descriptor i really mean it. Great listen for lyric-heads. RATKING's So It Goes provides a huge amount of youthful, rebellious east coast energy along with incredibly unique, chaotically dizzying, and atmospheric production that really captures the feeling of the sensory overload of the american metropolitan inner city. billy woods' History Will Absolve Me provides an incredibly lumbering, aggressive MC with lyrical content ranging from military war crime PTSD to vivid, spine-crushing depictions of british imperialism in africa, to a hilariously dark story of a alcoholic dad who hates his wife and kids. El-P's I'll Sleep When You're Dead is a massive, futuristic dystopia of a metaphorical new york, with incredibly dense and conceptual lyricism. I consider this objectively one of the best hip hop albums of all time. Eyedea & Abilities' First Born is psychological existentialism to the highest degree. Simple beats, but the lyrical content is so thought provoking that it makes up for it. dalek's From Filthy Tongues of Gods and Griots is one of the most forward thinking hip hop albums i've ever heard. Released in 2002 and still sounds more unique than a lot of industrial hip hop made today. Frighteningly abrasive, textured, progressive, and even occultish at points.





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Reddit Timestamp

4/13/20 13:56


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