Drive By Truckers - Best Of

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October 17, 2022

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First, I haven’t heard all of *The Unraveling,* so I have to withhold judgement there - but what I have heard is great. [21st Century USA]( is really good, I think. I got to help DBT record *The Dirty South* back in like 2002 or 2003 whenever they made that record. I was an intern at Chase Park Transduction, the studio co-owned by David Barbe who used to do all their engineering and recording. He may still do the studio work for them, but these days he runs the Music Business program at the University of Georgia. During the sessions that took place in Athens (a lot of the record was laid down at Muscle Shoals but some of the early stuff and the finishing touches were done in Athens), there was a lot of whiffle ball during down times. There was a running score of different games written in pencil on some of the drywall in back of the control room. I remember one of my jobs was to get a handle of Jack Daniels and a suitcase of PBRs everyday before the band got there. Some years later, Jason Isbell got kicked out of DBT for his drinking - and man, if Drive-By Truckers think you’re drinking too much, you might wanna check that out. I was already a fan when I was working with David at the studio, so I was excited to meet them and help them out. I talked with Isbell about Patterson saying “roast beast” instead of “roast beef” on *18 Wheels Of Love.* I thought it was unnecessary, but Isbell liked it. I remember Cooley saying that the only time the word “glisten” should be used in a rock song is when you’re taking about cum flying in the face of some girl. That was pretty goddamn funny. Regarding their earlier work, I’m a big fan of the first two albums - *Gangstabilly* and *Pizza Deliverance* - and I’m surprised to hear that’s not a popular opinion among their fans. My first exposure to them was in the late 90s listening to WUOG, the college station in Athens. They played “Nine Bullets” I think or maybe “Too Much Sex.” Anyway, I went and bought the CD, and then fell in love with it. Pretty soon, I bought the first album too, and loved that one at least as much. *Southern Rock Opera* had some classic tracks but I didn’t like that album as much as the first two. *Decoration Day* came next and that one may be my favorite of their albums, but *The Dirty South* will always have a soft spot for me because of my time helping them make it. As for the political slant to their work, they’ve always been fairly political, though they took a more blue-collar approach to that. Which I respect because it comes from a place of immediacy and practicality - not abstractions like ideologies or political party affiliation or anything like that. Anyway, I’m a big fan and they consistently rank among my top artists when Spotify sends out those end-of-year things for me. If anyone in this thread needs an intro point to Drive-By Truckers, you’re welcome to give a listen to this [*DBT - best of* playlist]( I made a while back. I haven’t added tracks from their more recent records, but that’ll set you straight.





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Reddit Timestamp

1/6/21 13:35


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