2 Sk8 2

Playlist By

Gary from Open

Data Refreshed On

May 28, 2024

Open in Spotify



Playlist Length

2 days, 10 hours, 35 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

May 23, 2024


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Reddit Post

Damn dude, you sound a lot like me when I was 14, although to be fair I'm 21 so that wasn't that long ago lol. I had the same scenario with my dad too. I'll recommend you a bunch of music, but I'm also just going to drop you a Spotify playlist too because it sounds like we have similar tastes and I wish someone had introduced me to a lot of this stuff earlier the way so I'm going to do it for you. To be honest most of this stuff might not sound like what you're expecting, but I'm picking up a common theme in the music that resonates with you and I think these suggestions will more or less fit in, but I guarantee you'll find something you like here. Seems like everyone already gave you a bunch of good punk bands anyways, so I'm gonna see what else I can hit. Here's some artists and albums to get you started. The Who - Quadrophenia(personal favorite), Who's Next, Live at Leeds Misfits - Collection or Collection 2 are both great starting points Beck - Mellow Gold, Where it's At. (Start with the track Loser off Mellow Gold) Iggy Pop/The Stooges- Lust for Life(Iggy Pop), The Stooges, Raw Power Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros(Joe's band after the Clash)- Global A Go-Go, Streetcore Fugazi - 13 Songs. Just look up live videos of them on YouTube after that. You won't be disappointed. Big Audio Dynamite(Mick Jones from the Clash's other band)- This is Big Audio Dynamite, The Globe Television - Marquee Moon Run the Jewels - RTJ1-RTJ4 (I'm pretty sure every album has a feature by Zac de la Rocha from RATM on it) Public Enemy - Fear of a Black Planet Wu Tang Clan - Enter the Wu Tang (36 Chambers) The Song Remains the Same (the whole concert video by Led Zeppelin. Look that shit up on YouTube it'll change your life) Death Grips (you might not be ready for this one yet and I have no good place for you to start other than google them and watch their YouTube channel) And now I'm just gonna throw out a bunch of names if you've even made it this far. Black Flag, Dead Kennedys, Nirvana, The Damned, The Cure, Flogging Molly, Cypress Hill, beastie boys, the garden, social distortion, Hüsker Dü, Motörhead, Thee Oh Sees, My Bloody Valentine, Slowdive, Toadies, MF Doom, Notorious BIG, Black MIDI, Stuyedeyed, Blur, Remo Drive, Queen, Enjoy, Reverend Horton Heat, Billy Boyo, Reagan Youth, The Horrors, MC5, Flat Duo Jets, The Adicts, Suicidal Tendencies, The Germs, Rancid, The Jam. Finally [here's a huge fuckin playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5sDw0oQNpXNJ0Jx7I1jou9?si=bPoUhfM_T3aYirwlgOvQeg&utm_source=copy-link) that I use on the daily. It's just a mix bag of all different genres, but I bet you'll find some shit you like. Peace man, hope this helps you out.





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Reddit Timestamp

4/1/22 3:30


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