The Best of the K-Pop Jukebox

Playlist By


Data Refreshed On

January 27, 2024

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These are songs that are the Best of r/kpop's Jukebox! Songs that score 8.42 or higher with 5+ reviews receive this distinction. The playlist image has changed to: Jaehyun! Congratulations to ELRIS for having the most recent "Best of" the Jukebox with their song 'Jackpot' (8.90)!


Playlist Length

0 days, 8 hours, 2 minutes

Playlist Followers




Playlist Last Updated

April 19, 2020



Track Popularity Rating

Somewhat Popular



Average Release Decade


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!keew taerg a evah uoy epoh dna ,gnitapicitrap dna gniweiver nuf evah ,gninetsil rof sknahT .mmmH ?tacypoc a s’taht gnihtemos ereht sI ?ecnereffid eht tops uoy naC !lla s’tahT ^CTU ^00:12 ^82-50-9102 ^:tsaL ^• ^keew ^yrevE 41.9|– [einamoclacéD - OOMAMAM](|.01 51.9|– [(어없 도1) kcis os m’I - knipA](|.9 71.9|– [emoC modgniK - tevleV deR](|.8 32.9|– [tahT ekiL I - RATSIS](|.7 42.9|– [나레탈까( anellataC - lemaraC egnarO](|.6 52.9|– [U gnivoL - RATSIS](|.5 72.9|– [reficuL - eeNIHS](|.4 33.9|– [ybaB eM llaC - OXE](|.3 34.9|– [bmoB evoL - 9_simorf](|.2 **64.9**|– [msirP - eeNIHS](**|**.1** |--:|--:|:-- erocS|gnoS - tsitrA|knaR ###trahCj ylkeeW **←** **[sweiveR & sgnitaR](** | [noissucsiD s'keeW tsaL]( | [egaP ikiW]( | **[sgnoS 'tseB' s'xobekuJ](** | [stsilyalP]( **→** !neht yb ni sesseug ruoy teg ot yrt esaelp tub ,enildaed tcirts a ton si sihT .TSP MP 95:11 ta yadirF siht litnu gnisseug peek nac uoY !yalp s’teL ?ydaeR .ti evlos ot erifpmac ta thgiliwt llit pu uoy tpek s’ti gnieb 01 dna ,ta kool ot hcum ton s’ti gnieb 1 – 01 dna 1 neewteb erocs a evael ,rewsna ruoy edisgnolA !gnos dna tsitra eht htiw tnemmoc eht ot ylper a sa rewsna ruoy evael – tuo erugif nac uoy fi ees ,netsil uoy retfa dna ,eno hcae ot netsiL .sgnos eseht tuoba )laiceps os ton ro( laiceps os s’tahw sseug nac uoy fi ees dna ecnereffid eht topS !woh s’ereH ?yalp ot woh wonk annaW [(봐) kooL - tevleV deR]( .7 [haeY hA - RENNIW]( .6 [thgiliwT - lriG yM hO]( .5 [(요세보여) olleH - TSE’UN]( .4 [retteL evoL - luosniJ x piL miK/ANOOL]( .3 [erifpmaC - NEETNEVES]( .2 [(요봐해 럼처나) tacypoC yM - lemaraC egnarO]( [VM] .1 :keew siht rof sgnos eht era esehT !og ew ereH ?ydaeR !tuo dnif s’teL ?woh sseug uoy nac – deknil wohemos lla era sgnos neves esehT .emag a yalp s’teL !dnim ni emeht laiceps a evah ew yadot dna xobekuJ s’keew siht ot emocleW !olleH





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Reddit Timestamp

5/26/19 15:18


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