IDM - Intelligent Dance Music

Data Refreshed On

May 29, 2024

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IDM/Braindance/Breakbeat/Eletronica tracks, include Aphex Twin, U-Ziq, Boards of Canada, Squarepusher, Autechre and more.🪐☄️ I support emerging artists and am open to new music.@antonioruipereira


Playlist Length

0 days, 17 hours, 41 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

May 8, 2024


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Sighs. Fuck it imma go down a rabbit hole now: # Math Rock This is a genre which is basically rock music but with odd time signatures. It's mainly liked by people who are into jazz or classical music and want to experience a flair of uniqueness with the genres they're already used to listening to. It has a lot of subgenres like Midwest emo and so on, that tend to get mixed in. Another sibling genre of this is *Lofi Metal* which is honestly too difficult to differentiate. I'll add them below. [This is my go to video to introduce people to it]( [Marmalade Butcher - Immortality Math Club]( (this one's loud) [American Football - Never Meant (Midwest Emo and one of the most well known)]( [Toe - Goodbye]( [Floral - Climbing a wall]( [toconoma - relive]( [Plini - Electric Sunrise]( [Jakub Zytecki - Letters]( [Elephant Gym - Finger]( # Lofi/Vaporwave Rap This is just as the name suggests. It's Rap/Hip-hop but more chill. These won't necessarily all be songs. Some of them will be mixes. There's one infamous artist i follow a lot related to the genre but I'm going to try and not suggest too many from him. (Explicit music warning) [Pink Guy - Fried Noodles]( (the former alter ego of Joji) [Pink Guy - Weird Mcdonald's Rap]( [Lil Uzi Vaporwave] ( [Anderson Paak and various artists - Bloody Waters]( [Logic - Dad Bod]( [90210 Resonance]( [RSNZ - //fuckitdoweout]( # Intelligent Dance Music I feel like talking about this from my point of view won't do it justice because I feel like i can't do it justice. It's such a nuanced subgenre of Electronic Music that it's difficult to even describe it. Great now I sound like a snob. Let's just get to the fucken music XD. (It can get really fucken weird.) [My go to intro that i may have linked in another thread]( [Aphex Twin - Come to Daddy]( [Squarepusher - Beep Street]( [Aphex Twin - 4]( [Venetian Snares - Skelechairs]( [Amon Tobin - Chomp Samba]( [Bogdan Raczynski - Samurai Masi Biitsu]( [Boards of Canada - Everything you do is a balloon]( I've got a lot more in mind but I'm tired. I'll see if I can come up with more stuff later.





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Reddit Timestamp

8/19/22 4:29


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