Journey BOOK 2

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Data Refreshed On

February 7, 2024

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Playlist Length

0 days, 11 hours, 19 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

July 11, 2023


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Love this question. I meditate daily, and on Sunday I throw 2.25 grams into the mix. For me, this is a deeply thoughtful, certainly tripping dose, but still grounded in reality. I've never actually taken shrooms with my eyes open or with other people! (Lack of opportunity, mostly). I only take them for meditation. This isn't a prescription - it's just my routine. Prepare your meditation space the night before, brew your coffee, set up your dose. Wake up early - before the sunrise. Take your mushrooms straightaway, drink your coffee. Light a candle in your meditations space. Meditating in the dark is lovely. The rising sun is reassuring. I often begin at around 4am, mostly because my mind is so hungry to start. Read a poem aloud to yourself. This is one I've memorized for my routine. It's beautiful. Listen to varied but calming music. This list is one of my favorites. Take your meditation position. There are as many meditation tips as there are meditators. Here's mine - simply pay attention to what your mind and body are doing. Your job is only to observe, not to judge or force anything. When you find yourself in a tough spot, remind yourself that you're the compassionate observer. You don't have to do anything but watch, feel and absorb. These meditations aren't always easy. I never have the same experience twice. I often find myself singing, humming, speaking aloud, repeating a word over and over. One time I was basically possessed by a man claiming to be an ancestor. I gave myself advice in an Irish accent for more than an hour. It was wonderful. My desire for a similar experience the next go around, on the other hand, was frustrating and disappointing. It's hard not to bring expectations and agendas into a mushroom meditation. The mushroom challenges us to leave hope at the door so that you can be open to what it wants to show us. That's part of the lesson.





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Reddit Timestamp

11/28/22 1:41


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