Peloton Punk Playlists - 45 Min PZE 1/2/20 MW

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Data Refreshed On

February 8, 2024

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Playlist Length

0 days, 0 hours, 48 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

April 10, 2020



Track Popularity Rating

Somewhat Popular



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Reddit Post

OK guys I just did this ride twice to check my work. I hate to say this is magical, but I think it is magical. Suggested workflow below for rocking out to a throwback [Punk Playlist]( to go with MW 45 min PZE from 1/2/20: * Download "Seconds Interval Timer" ([iOS]( | [Android]( Upgrade to pro ($5) and [import the workout into the app using this link]( or see instructions for using the FREE version below: * Click Intervals (bottom left)>Plus sign (top right)>Custom Timer * Name the workout. Scroll a bit to Extras>Alerts>select "Text to Speech with Timer". Then [add the intervals]( * Que up the [Spotify Playlist]( and decide if you're going to play it from your phone, headphones, blast it through the whole house speakers? Do you but obv I suggest the last one. * Clip in. Turn the bike's volume all the way down. Pick a 45 min Scenic Ride (Click "more" along the bottom right of the screen to get to scenic rides). I did the Champagne Scenic Ride and it gave me some road trip vibes and it is near the top if you filter to show only 45 min rides. so if you DGAF, just pick that one. * Start the scenic ride * Start the workout on the interval app (Tap the workout name and then play button on the bottom right) * PLAY THE JAMS SO LOUD I adjusted resistance to keep me in the correct zone while letting my legs rock out. I think I am on to something here? I hope you guys enjoy it! The interval app is not perfect, but it works. I really like to have someone tell me when it is time to change zones but you could do all of this sans app by writing the zones out on a sticky note I guess? [the intervals]( Lastly, I separated playlists into throwbacks (\~2000-2010) and new tracks (\~2010-now) and I figured I would alternate. So I will do a 45 min PZ (regular) with New Tracks soon. Maybe by the end of the weekend? I missed the Chiodos fans this time sryyyyy Rock on! Happy Friday





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Reddit Timestamp

4/10/20 17:54


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