Star Lord's Boom Bap Mixtape Vol. 1

Playlist By

Kriss Kringle

Data Refreshed On

February 5, 2024

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Playlist Length

0 days, 3 hours, 13 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

December 19, 2022


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Track Popularity Rating

Very Popular



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Main Genre:

Hip Hop

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Reddit Post

I'm adding some details about the process for anyone that's curious how this came to be. A little over a year ago a friend asked me to draw something for him so that he can print it and hang it on his empty walls. At first he wasn't sure what he wanted, but after the T'Challa episode from What if...? came out he asked me if I'd do something with him since he liked Chadwick in the role and was sad that he passed away like that. I watched the episode to get an idea of the context and it really didn't do anything for me nor did it inspire me in some way, so I told him I have to sit on it for a bit and see what I can come up with.Fast forward 10 days and I was still drawing blanks, so the obvious thing was to go back to GotG Vol.1 and look there. As soon as the line up scene came up, the lightbulb in my head came on and I thought "What if (pun intended) I make T'Challa instead of Peter in that line up scene throwing up the West Side hand sign and this version of Star Lord is a hip hop head?I'm a hip hop head myself and been listening to it since I was 11-12, so I know the genre inside out. I go to my friend and pitch the idea to him and he goes for it, so I then start to work on it in between commissions and in the last couple of months I've been going at it with everything I had. Then I started to cook up a bit of backstory about how T'Challa got into hip hop and basically in my version his older relatives got bootleg cassettes back in the 90's from the U.S and he would listen with them. One day, when T'Chaka was out of the country on a mission, Zuri took little T'Challa to A tribe called Quest concert in Ghana, which he greatly enjoyed, but he got lost in the crowd after it ended and that's how he got kidnapped by Yondu and The Ravagers. Fast forward 16 years and he's now a wanted thief.As for the design, the jacket is obviously inspired by Pelle Pelle and Avirex leather jackets, but also varsity and baseball/NFL jackets too. I could have went crazier with the patterns and experimented a lot with them, but they were getting too busy, so I tried to keep it as clean as possible. The font I used is the one from the first Black Panther title card. The bling had to be in there too, since you gotta flex a little once you get your money right. I'll let you guys figure out what the rocks from the ring and necklace are. The helmet is a combination of the Black Panther mask and Star Lord's helmet.I tried to give it a subtle hint that it's a baseball cap while also honoring the original Star Lord helmet from the comics. Last, but not least, is the music. I could have went with a pair of Beats headphones, but that would have been the low hanging fruit and I figured this version of T'Challa appreciates his music, so he uses a pair of Sennheiser HD599(spent a day researching headphones) and an Archos Jukebox mp3 player from 2001 that has plenty of space. I initially wanted to put a cd player in there, but if you grew up with them, you know what a headache they were to hold in your pocket and didn't have a clip to hang it to your belt, so the mp3 player was the better solution. I even went as far as to make a playlist that he listens to, which you can check out [here]( if you're curious. ​ This was a very hard one for me to do because I could have went in many ways with it and kept getting ideas down the road, experimenting to see what looks best, so very time consuming, but frustrating as well.





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Reddit Timestamp

12/26/22 10:49


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