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**Movie soundtrack...** []( [\_ncr63a7IawJa0SfMkmGgyy4Pkx3hPMKzo]( **Movie trivia \[SPOILERS\]...** * >!All Princes wear clothing with a pattern spelling out their number in Roman numerals, composed by smaller Arabic numerals. Furthermore, Septimus wears a vest with the numeral seven on each button.!< * >!Ben Barnes (Young Dunstan Thorn) was a fan favorite, and the preferred choice, for Tristan over Charlie Cox, as he was considered more attractive. Matthew Vaughn intentionally cast Charlie Cox, a then-unknown actor over big name actors like Orlando Bloom, as he wanted an actor who could play a dork, and easily transition into a suave and handsome gentleman.!< * >!When co-Writer and Director Matthew Vaughn pitched this movie to executives at Paramount Pictures, the studio wanted a more recognizable name, like Orlando Bloom, to play Tristan. It was only after Vaughn had cast Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Claire Danes in the movie did Paramount agree to let Vaughn cast Charlie Cox as Tristan.!< * >!The three witches share their names with demonic creatures from Greek mythology. Lamia and Mormo were demons who ate children (the former being a former lover of Zeus, the god King), and Empusa was a creature sent by the goddess Hecate to eat travellers.!< * >!Much of Ferdy's dialogue was ad-libbed by Ricky Gervais (for example, telling Lamia he can get her a two-faced dog as a guard dog that can watch front and back entrances at the same time).!< * >!Michelle Pfeiffer was Matthew Vaughn's only choice for the role of the Witch Queen. He had been a die-hard fan since first seeing her in Grease 2 (1982).!< * >!Matthew Vaughn had great difficulty shooting the scenes at the inn where Lamia entices Yvaine, Tristan, and Primus. There were very few days when more than one cast member was available for filming. He used a lot of stand-ins in the closer shots, to give the impression that all of the cast members were present.!< * >!The vicious-looking scimitar-shaped glass knife that Lamia uses was originally designed by Matthew Vaughn for Magneto in X-Men: The Last Stand (2006), but it was never actually used in that movie.!< * >!Whenever Primus is seen travelling on his quest for the stone, he is alone ("primus" is Latin for "first"). Whenever Septimus is seen on his quest, he is accompanied by six servants, making a total of seven in his group ("septimus" is Latin for "seventh").!< * >!Miramax originally had the movie rights. After they expired, author Neil Gaiman felt uncomfortable granting the rights to just anyone. After turning down numerous directors and young actresses who wanted it as a starring vehicle, Gaiman finally granted Matthew Vaughn the rights for free. Gaiman trusted Vaughn, both as a friend, and as someone "who stuck to his word", something Gaiman considers a rarity in Hollywood.!< * >!Terry Gilliam was offered the directing job. He had just finished The Brothers Grimm (2005), and wanted a break from fairy tales.!< * >!Septimus' musical theme is written in 7/8 time.!< * >!The lead character's name was shortened from the book's Tristran, with an "r" between the "t" and "a," to Tristan, because Tristran was hard to pronounce quickly. However, there is one time it is said as "TristRan" instead of "Tristan". This is during the scene when Tristan remarks that Yvaine sometimes glows, when he suggests jokingly that the thing Stars do best is annoy boys called "TristRan Thorn".!< * >!Captain Shakespeare's flying boat is called Caspartine, named after Matthew Vaughn's two children Caspar and Clementine.!< * >!In the original novel, the role of Lamia is actually a rather minor one. It wasn't until Michelle Pfeiffer signed on to the project that the role was greatly expanded to become one of the main characters.!< * >!Charlie Cox suffered a minor injury while filming the climatic battle sequence against the witches, when a huge solidified vase knocked him unconscious.!< * >!After initial conversations between Producer Neil Gaiman and co-Writer and Director Matthew Vaughn about how to make this movie, Gaiman found that Vaughn was most comfortable with all of the action sequences and adventure bits, but needed help with the romance side of the story. To complement Vaughn's style and better capture all the aspects of the book, Gaiman introduced him to co-Writer Jane Goldman, and the two hit it off and wrote the screenplay.!< * >!The letter the scientist sent to Dunstan (Nathaniel Parker) reads, "Dear Sir, Thank you for your inquiry concerning the existence of another world beyond The Wall surrounding your village. In our opinion, the hypothetical existence of such a gateway would run contrary to all known laws of science. Subsequently, in the opinion of my esteemed colleagues and myself, the idea may be safely dismissed as merely colorful rural folklore. I thank you again for your enquiry and hope that our conclusion will enable you to proceed with your life. Yours faithfully,"!< * >!Anne Hathaway, Scarlett Johansson, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Jessica Alba all turned down the role of Yvaine.!< * >!In the mural painted on the outside wall of The Slaughtered Prince pub, the victorious Prince standing over the Prince that he has slaughtered, has Peter O'Toole's face. The pub name, "The Slaughtered Prince", is a sly reference to the pub The Slaughtered Lamb in An American Werewolf in London (1981).!< * >!This movie has celestial imagery like the moon and the stars, immortality and crossing thresholds to other worlds, which are all themes of author Neil Gaiman.!< * >!During one of the sacrificial scenes involving the witches, a crocodile is used. A pig was originally intended to be the sacrificed animal, but Paramount Pictures insisted on another animal, like a crocodile, as it was not as offensive.!< * >!Vinnie Jones was offered the role of Ferdy the fence.!< * >!Release prints were delivered to theaters with the fake titles "Rusty" and "Bright".!< * >!This story and another Neil Gaiman work, "The Ocean at the End of the Lane", mention hearts being cut out, and the heart of a star.!< * >!Alex Pettyfer auditioned for the role of Tristan Thorn.!< * >!At the end, when Una tells Tristan he is the last surviving male heir, the spirits of the brothers float up and away. But one of the dots turns red and goes down into the fire, presumably Septimus, as he was the most evil of the brothers.!< * >!The Princes, when killed, are all shown to bleed blue blood. This is a joke hinting at their nobility, as those of royal heritage were said to have blue blood in their veins, rather than red. As the Princes are of royal heritage, they are literally "blue bloods". This may also have allowed the filmmakers to depict greater violence on-screen, while maintaining a lower age appropriate rating.!< * >!After confessing their love for each other, Yvaine and Tristan proceed to sleep in the same bed. Tristan was originally bare-chested in the scene, but it was considered to be too suggestive, so a shirt was digitally imposed onto Charlie Cox's chest area.!<





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4/19/19 8:50


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