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Data Refreshed On

May 23, 2024

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0 days, 9 hours, 12 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

March 23, 2024


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We seem to be getting a lot of new folk, which I'm ecstatic to see! I'll mostly copy/paste something from a thread yesterday. You should absolutely play Bloodlines. It's an old game, but a cult classic. You need to either get it through GoG where it's prepatched or get it through steam and patch it yourself with the \[unofficial community patch.\]( It pretty much won't work without it... blame Activision.If video games aren't your thing, keep with LA by Night and maybe try the \[Winter's Teeth comics\](, as they also have some VERY minor play material in the back you may appreciate along with just being great comics to help you learn some lore.The only necessary books are the Corebook and I would say you pretty much need either Anarch or Camarilla depending on which sect you want to set your game under. In my experience, besides that the only V5 books to absolutely avoid are Sabbat: The Black Hand and Fall of London. As for Music, \[I made this playlist\]( and currently use it as our primary background with other music playlists tailor made for specific scenes. It will get updated by me over time if you like it and want to use it, or you could just mine it for tracks you like.I want to second what some other people have said about Bloodlines. It's an old game, but a cult classic. You need to either get it through GoG where it's prepatched or get it through steam and patch it yourself with the \[unofficial community patch.\]( It pretty much won't work without it... blame Activision.If video games aren't your thing, keep with LA by Night and maybe try the \[Winter's Teeth comics\](, as they also have some VERY minor play material in the back you may appreciate along with just being great comics to help you learn some lore.The only necessary books are the Corebook and I would say you pretty much need either Anarch or Camarilla depending on which sect you want to set your game under. In my experience, besides that the only V5 books to absolutely avoid are Sabbat: The Black Hand and Fall of London.\[Lastly, I just made a post with advice for new Story Teller, I hope it's helpful.\](\_the\_dd\_immigrants\_some\_lessons\_from\_another/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3)eWAs for Music, \[I made this playlist\]( and currently use it as our primary background with other music playlists tailor made for specific scenes. It will get updated by me over time if you like it and want to use it, or you could just mine it for tracks you like.I want to second what some other people have said about Bloodlines. It's an old game, but a cult classic. You need to either get it through GoG where it's prepatched or get it through steam and patch it yourself with the \[unofficial community patch.\]( It pretty much won't work without it... blame Activision.If video games aren't your thing, keep with LA by Night and maybe try the \[Winter's Teeth comics\](, as they also have some VERY minor play material in the back you may appreciate along with just being great comics to help you learn some lore.The only necessary books are the Corebook and I would say you pretty much need either Anarch or Camarilla depending on which sect you want to set your game under. In my experience, besides that the only V5 books to absolutely avoid are Sabbat: The Black Hand and Fall of London.\[Lastly, I just made a post with advice for new Story Teller, I hope it's helpful.\](\_the\_dd\_immigrants\_some\_lessons\_from\_another/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3)





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Reddit Timestamp

1/18/23 13:35


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