Blue Lotus

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0 days, 18 hours, 57 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

December 28, 2020


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if you dont mind sharing, how would you describe the effects? bc that flower has to be exactly what i have. and that vendor seems very trustworthy—and id rather buy my own from now on. bc i dont trust my local herb shop anymore, bc they wouldnt disclose their BL vendor or confirm that their product was Nymphaea Caerulea. for me, smoking it induces a state that feels like a dream while awake (and before bed has induced actual lucid dreams). exactly the effects advertised of Blue Lotus and described by ancient cultures: a sedating, blissful euphoria that id hypnotic/meditative/dissociative and empathogenic/integrating-with-nature, markedly aphrodisiac, and stimulating in the sense of “mind clearing” like slowing and connecting the dots of my thoughts and inspiring creativity and forging new pathways (not like a prescription stimulant pill in the productivity-inducing sense). much like cannabis/microdosing psilocybin w the relaxation of a benzodiazepine/ambien—but not nearly as intoxicating and without brain fog—even smoking a ton, the relaxation/euphoria/hypnotic seems to max out quickly and from there i just get sleepier (unlike cannabis/shrooms). no hangover/craving or anything, and the high feels “natural” (hard to define). as anxiolytic/sedating as a benzodiazepine/ambien, but only if in the right setting (for me, solitary outdoors meditation, preferably with music). the first time i tried BL, i found [this playlist]( which captures the feeling well. a pronounced yet not overwhelming effect for about 4 hours. yet hypnotic/meditative/dissociative to the point that i have stared at clouds and the moon for hours watching them take on faces of people/animals and play “slideshows” of my life/random scenes. like reconnecting with my childlike imagination, not hallucination (or at least not like shrooms), bc i can snap out of it at will, and everything else/life in general looked and feels normal, i just have a stronger imagination and integration with the world around me. when i first tried BL, i was a daily cannabis smoker with a high tolerance and felt all of the above (and now after 6 months w no cannabis use, still feel the same effect from BL). which is suspicious bc the effects overpowered cannabis, and i prefer BL over cannabis (although the mix is supherb)—which ive never experienced w any herb—except psilocybin—and synthetic drugs like benzodiazepines/ambien/stimulant pills. now sketched about not knowing for sure what ive been putting in my lungs, which my herb shop sells as Nymphaea Caerulea, but idk if i can trust them anymore bc they wont confirm. i like to be certain of any smoke i intentionally inhale. BL smoke tastes nice (and not chemical-y at all) but is not exactly smooth and makes me hack like crazy. NC has been smoked for centuries like cannabis, but now im afraid ive been smoking some random flower that may not be safe to smoke—or worse laced w some random r/researchchemicals potion—or psilocybin extract (detrimental to lungs). so annoying bc, obviously from my description of the effects, i really enjoy whatever flower it is ive been smoking, but cant get it again unless i can ensure its NC.





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Reddit Timestamp

8/11/21 1:06


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