50 favorite songs of 2020
Playlist Length
0 days, 3 hours, 6 minutes
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Playlist Last Updated
December 8, 2020
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happy new years eve everyone! i hope you managed to find happiness despite how much this year sucked. here's my [top 15 albums of the year](https://i.imgur.com/LiIUGPW.png) and my [50 favorite songs of the year](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6MW22sZVbs9NXvQ23OEMxm?si=6lfMKMSoSjGkmmeC9c3Ubw) (one song per artist)! it was a pretty good year in music for me. a lot of albums came out that i loved and i expanded my music taste in some fun ways. if i did have one music-based regret this year, it's deciding to listen to a new album a day list ([here it is on rym if you're interested](https://rateyourmusic.com/list/SWZS3141/an-album-a-day-2020/)). while i did get to hear some great artists (camera obscura, ichiko aoba, belle & sebastian, kate bush), i mostly just ended up listening to a lot of mediocre, forgettable albums i wouldn't have in other years. my goal with the list was also to try and get a wider listening experience. BUT THAT DIDN'T WORK. folklore was only out for half of this year and it's already my most listened to album ever on last.fm. i should be proud of myself for maintaining the list through the entire year, because a lot of times, this would be something i give up on early in the process. lastly, here are some [honorable mentions](https://i.imgur.com/qgfc9ps.png) for the year. this list consists of albums i didn't hear until this month and probably could've made my year-end list had i heard them earlier in the year, as well as some EPs from throughout the year i enjoyed
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12/31/20 13:36
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