Nederlandse Favorieten

Playlist By

Nico Thurman

Data Refreshed On

May 27, 2024

Open in Spotify



Playlist Length

0 days, 3 hours, 7 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

April 30, 2024


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stop trying to learn then. wow that sounded extremely dutch of me but keep reading bc you’ll know exactly how i mean it i spent maybe 4-6 months going pretty hardcore on duolingo for dutch and i’ve since stopped and now dedicate all my time to listening to music, news, reading books, articles that interest me. i find constantly studying/learning is, oxymoronically, a poor way to go about learning but that’s also my adhd doing some of the talking. go and find ways to interact with the language and learn that way; music, books, watch ares or dirty lines on netflix, find a youtuber or podcaster with interesting ideas, find things in the language you’re passionate about, or best of all find a native or a language buddy to chat with regularly…just stop learning and start interacting with the language and you’ll end up learning what’s actually important to you and in regular daily speech, not “ik ben een banaan” “zij is bang voor appels”. if you want a [dutch spotify playlist]( i’ve got an ever-growing one here 😋 wies and froukje are good for beginners, and goldband too for music and films, i’ll make quizzlet flashcards of the words i don’t know and quiz myself or more recently i’ve been using this (paid) chrome extension called language reactor for videos/films. [check it out](, it allows for 2 subtitles to show at the same time (say one in english one in dutch) and you get to mark words you know and ones you don’t and it creates a vocab list for you etc.





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Reddit Timestamp

3/9/23 12:05


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