Coarse Pressurized Candidates

Playlist By


Data Refreshed On

February 13, 2024

Open in Spotify


A sister playlist to "Coarse Pressurized Carbon" which focuses on potential additions. Songs could be here for any number of reasons, but are most often potential replacements, or songs which require a few more listens before making a decision. Additions are welcome, but please don't remove songs.


Playlist Length

1 days, 16 hours, 7 minutes

Playlist Followers




Playlist Last Updated

December 25, 2021


Mixed Mood

Track Popularity Rating




Average Release Decade


Main Genre:


Reddit Info

Reddit Post

Thanks for your interest in the playlist! I've spent hundreds of hours over nearly two and a half years finding, curating, and trimming this playlist to become what it is today. I have a couple strict guidelines I abide by for the bands I add: they must have under 200,000 monthly listeners on Spotify, and I cannot add more than 3 songs per artist. I try to only include bands that exhibit amazing talent and/or have a unique sound in order to make sure their respective genres are well represented and varied. ​ The first \~26 unsorted songs in the playlist have been hand selected as personal favorites, and do not necessarily represent the variety of the playlist as a whole. Shuffle or sort by newest to get more variety. I do fairly large updates every two weeks, usually containing 10+ new artists. A small handful of the included artists aren't fit for the sub (part of a larger band, have one unusually popular song, very creative covers of larger songs), but I would still consider everything inside underground and deserving of a listen. ​ Many of the songs have been suggested by listeners, and I'm always happy to consider any community submitted bands (whether they be your own, or one that you just really enjoy). Send me a PM or add it to the collaborative sister playlist [Coarse Pressurized Candidates](, and I'll be sure to give it a listen and a small "review" if requested!





Reddit Username


Reddit Timestamp

1/16/20 19:45


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Note: playlists with a lot of tracks or large variety of genres can take a while to process. Please be patient.

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